

Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
I belong to gun sites and Jeep sites, all of which are pretty hard-hitting where the regulars show up on a daily basis and engage each other.

Most of the guys that show up here ask a question and you never hear of them again........one-hit-wonders.

Others clearly don't like the answer they get and go away.

Some are obviously illiterate, others may now know how to use a forum, others cannot type........apparently.

It's getting tiresome.........why bother anymore?

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
It's getting tiresome.........why bother anymore?
I agree with most of it, A little annoying some of the time.
But oh well that's just the way it is.
I like it when I can help someone understand, repair, or acquire what they need.
I also like to see what other people have done with there tractors...Some I look and shake my head, (why, why, why would someone do that kind of thoughts)... but other are good and lead me to do things to mine.


Well-known member
Premium Member

Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
wow...if you got time to even think about something like that...you need a hobby...Quit your whining.....I'm outta here >>>>>>>.....


Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
wow...if you got time to even think about something like that...you need a hobby...Quit your whining.....I'm outta here >>>>>>>.....

You know what kind of effort it is to go and take pics, process and upload pics, and post here with an answer?
Or do you even bother?


Above is an example.

I could go into my photobucket and post some pics of mine and ask the OP if it looks like mine. I could get into my files and look up his parts and post numbers......see if there is a S# break......etc........

But why bother?

You have no idea how many emails I have gotten for my manual files.........literally 2-3 dozen.......I email them. I even wait until midnight when I have free data.

You ever BOTHER?

Here is another........not a peep from the OP-


Yeah, I think I'm outta here too.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I find it frustrating, too. Particularily when someone finds the site because of an issue, asks questions, and never returns with any results, etc. The answer, time, photos- they are time consuming, but they are also an investment- it is a part of relating to and getting to know each other. No return response says to me "I got what I needed, I'm not too worried about what you need". It's rude and inconsiderate, even if that isn't the express intent. If you are going to ask someone to go out of their way to help you out, return the consideration, or say up front what your intentions are. "I'm new to OTT, and I don't plan to be a regular. I do have this problem, though, and figured this would be the easiest route to a solution", or the like.
Regardless, it is the price to pay to be on an internet forum. I can't change how others operate, but I can control which sites I invest my time in. OTT has proven to be well worth the time, as well as Sigtalk. I don't visit Redsquare anymore, but that was also a quality group of people.
One thing I won't hang around for- flaming, arguing for the sake of being cantankerous or difficult, and the likes. I know that we won't always see eye to eye, and that is a part of life. What won't be a part of my life is the poison and venom that I see on other sites.
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New member

L3750DT Shuttle, L3800DT FEL both
Jan 11, 2012
Success Missouri
It is very disrespectful to log onto a site, ask a question and then not respond to the replies. Never understood that at all. :confused:


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Boys all I can say is if you are looking for accolades "DEN YOU BE IN DA WRONG PLACE ",,
You post because you want to not because you have to,
you post because you want to help somebody you don't know and most likely never will,
You post to make a brother laugh,
You post just because you did something to your stuff, be it gun or jeep or bike,
You post just to say HI
You post because you have something to add, because you been there done that
If they never say thank you or post a picture of what you helped them with so be it, that's life, not everyone is as thoughtful as the people I have met in here. OK Im done whining now


New member

B3300HST FEL, ATH72 Finish Mower, 5ft KKRear Blade,Piranha TB
Oct 5, 2013
Marion, Illinois
Whale sed Skeets! Oops.........I mean well said.....ok thats my attempt at being funny.....As a new member I pondered how to reply, but thanks to skeets he did the leg work!:)


Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
I find it frustrating, too. Particularily when someone finds the site because of an issue, asks questions, and never returns with any results, etc. The answer, time, photos- they are time consuming, but they are also an investment- it is a part of relating to and getting to know each other. No return response says to me "I got what I needed, I'm not too worried about what you need". It's rude and inconsiderate, even if that isn't the express intent. If you are going to ask someone to go out of their way to help you out, return the consideration, or say up front what your intentions are. "I'm new to OTT, and I don't plan to be a regular. I do have this problem, though, and figured this would be the easiest route to a solution", or the like.
Regardless, it is the price to pay to be on an internet forum. I can't change how others operate, but I can control which sites I invest my time in. OTT has proven to be well worth the time, as well as Sigtalk. I don't visit Redsquare anymore, but that was also a quality group of people.
One thing I won't hang around for- flaming, arguing for the sake of being cantankerous or difficult, and the likes. I know that we won't always see eye to eye, and that is a part of life. What won't be a part of my life is the poison and venom that I see on other sites.


I spent a many years on the ytmag - N tractor board, greeeeeat smart guys there, got to know them well. There are jokers, wise asses, and real smart and precise guys explaining stuff that only experience would teach. Everyone need people like that, sad thing is, many here DO NOT appreciate the help, however true. I was spoiled on the N board. I have been on here a few months, read everything from A to Z, you guys rock - never allow someone else to pull you down, I APPRECIATE all that you do ! Really, wise people speak and others listen, maybe they don't thank, but most listen without gratitude......but they learned something, as a teacher for nearly 30 years, kids never say thank you UNTIL the real world bites them in the ass. Guys here I hope understand that the ol' guard here supplies valuable help. Again, my hats off to all of you, and the mug is full!!!!:D


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
I came to this site because I am new to the tractor world. I do not have a lot to contribute to the discussions yet because almost everyone on this site knows worlds more about tractors than I do. I stay on this site because I really want to learn from those more experienced than I am. Sometimes I just wait to ask a question because I have not seen the subject addressed before. Like now, I have experienced an issue last weekend that I am searching to see if it has been addressed before. I am not really too quick to post a question because I want to see if it has come up before. Almost all of my questions have already been answered if I take the time to read. However, I'll take a shot at this latest issue if you guys have the time to address it. If you take the time to answer, I WILL appreciate it. Anyway, here goes.

I was mowing the lawn last weekend and hit a big stone. It was big enough to shear off the bolt that holds the center blade on the mower. When I took the mower back to the garage and removed the mower, I noticed a lot of fluid that looked like the Super UDT that is used in the transmission had been slung all around the underside of the mower. I left the mower sit for some time while I checked the manual to see what I could learn from it. When I returned to the garage I found a ring of oil drops all around the area under the mower. I cleaned off everything under the mower and looked for any obvious sources for the oil leak. I could not find any place where that oil could have come from. I searched under the tractor itseld and no indication of leaks under there either. This has me perplexed because there is no oil dripping from anyplace either under the mower or the tractor. Both are still absolutely clean. I forgot to mention that I also checked the oil and hydrolic fluid levels in both the tractor and the mower. The oil had the look, smell and consistancy of the Super UDT so I was looking more closely at hydrolic fluid than motor oil. I noticed that the mower was a little low and I re-filled it but nothing has leaked out since parking it this past weekend.

Now, can any of you suggest to me what that oil may have come from? I have a new bolt on order so I will look at the mower again after I put the blade back on and spin it up. I'll run it for about a minute and shut it down and crawl under to check it if I do not see something grab my attention right away.

Any suggestions from you guys would be very much appreciated. And BTW, I appreciate the posts that you guys make enough to come to this site every time I am on the internet. So, about 3 times per week.


Well-known member
Premium Member

Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
I really enjoy this site, I've learned a lot from the folks here and respect all. I do like to joke or try to and never intend to offend anyone. As a new tractor owner this year I don't have a lot to offer as far as tractor knowledge.

Eric McCarthy

New member
Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
The only thing I get irratated with are the sheeple who ask the same damn questions over and over and ooovvverrr and oooovvvveeerrrr again. You know the popluar ones where you just want to choke a mofo for asking when its already been asked eleventybillion freakin times before...

Like which motor oil do I buy, which hydraulic fluid do I buy. Should I buy HST or Gear... The same ones alot of us hate to answer because it causes a heated debate, temper flares and someone gets shot LOL.

It would be awesome if we could make the rookies go through a check list of questions before they join to make sure their question hasn't already been asked and answered before.

Sometimes I sware if I had any hair on my head I'd pull it out answering the same damn questions all the effin time UUUGGHHHH!!


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
The only thing I get irratated with are the sheeple who ask the same damn questions over and over and ooovvverrr and oooovvvveeerrrr again. You know the popluar ones where you just want to choke a mofo for asking when its already been asked eleventybillion freakin times before...

Like which motor oil do I buy, which hydraulic fluid do I buy. Should I buy HST or Gear... The same ones alot of us hate to answer because it causes a heated debate, temper flares and someone gets shot LOL.

It would be awesome if we could make the rookies go through a check list of questions before they join to make sure their question hasn't already been asked and answered before.

Sometimes I sware if I had any hair on my head I'd pull it out answering the same damn questions all the effin time UUUGGHHHH!!
Are you on the rag or someting?


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Yea Eric it do get tiresome some times,, But then you and I and everybody else in here for the most part started some place asking the same questions.
Visit a Harley site or a Jeep site or any other site where the newbee comes in,, and each one is the same,, we have new guys and gals that come in almost everyday and guess what " WE IS THE OLD GUYS" the accumulation of wisdom, the Grand Father/ Uncle that gives sound sage advice.
And then one day the newbees become the old guys and new kids are asking them the same questions.
You pass the torch along every time you answer with a true and honest answer.
Aint that what brothers are for?
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New member

L3800HST, 5' Landpride cutter, 5' box blade, 6' landscape rake, Bush Hog PHD
Apr 2, 2013
I'm just glad ya'll are here. I've been reading up quite a bit, through the old posts and have learned tons of info on my new tractor. I've been hesitant to post any questions, as I usually find it in an old post. As I become more knowledgable, I'd like to be more useful in answering some questions. For now, I am truly greatful for all the hard work you all put into this forum.


New member

Aug 4, 2010
Tellico Plains, TN
Every site I've EVER hung out on, regardless of subject matter is repetitious ad-nauseum! Even if the search engines worked the way they "used" to a lot can't or won't use them to effect. In regards to this site specifically I think most know or soon know tractors and farm equipment in general take care regularly and sometimes a lot of it in the best of times. For myself the social interaction helps a little also, good turn and all that. I've been the receiver of need help as well.
