I'm looking at a Land Pride OS1548 overseeder that's for sale near me. I would hook it to my B2920, and mostly use it on my 4 acres of hard clay to overseed a poor stand of grass. If it works well I might do some custom work with it. But I'm questioning whether my tractor would handle it. The Land Pride info rates for 25 to 60 HP tractors. Fine, but it weighs 1200 lbs., and hooks to the 3 point hitch. About the most I've been able to lift with that hitch is maybe 850 lbs. Here's my question: I'm not sure how these things work, and it wasn't clear reading the manual. Maybe the tractor doesn't use the hitch to lift it, but to position it (?). Anyone have any experience. Will my tractor work with it? BTW, I just bought a core aerator that was supposedly easily within my tractors capabilities (Bush Hog MPG 600) and find it is just barely within what my tractor can handle, hence my apprehension.
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