Aha, I see the gloves are off and this forum is no holds barred! Well... let the ribbing begin.
I have seen this book before. It is one of two volumes. It's been passed down for centuries in the man kingdom. It's more of a dictionary, with the meaning of words such as romantic, spelt ROW MAN TICK. Kinda like HOOKED ON PHONICS. Hence, the grand size of the Volume. The second half of the book is geared towards visual explanations, because the woman kingdom understands how visual their counterpart is. Its not in colour, merely Black and White but, and aren't you boys lucky, it comes with Crayola crayons.
The other volume is but 100 pages long, sits in the library still, collecting dust and long forgotten.
At this point, being the only known female entity on this forum, I am we'll aware that I am far out numbered and my chances of surviving this topic are slim to none. BUT, I shall hold my head high, suck in as much oxygen as I can, while you drown me with your ribbing!
I have seen this book before. It is one of two volumes. It's been passed down for centuries in the man kingdom. It's more of a dictionary, with the meaning of words such as romantic, spelt ROW MAN TICK. Kinda like HOOKED ON PHONICS. Hence, the grand size of the Volume. The second half of the book is geared towards visual explanations, because the woman kingdom understands how visual their counterpart is. Its not in colour, merely Black and White but, and aren't you boys lucky, it comes with Crayola crayons.
The other volume is but 100 pages long, sits in the library still, collecting dust and long forgotten.
At this point, being the only known female entity on this forum, I am we'll aware that I am far out numbered and my chances of surviving this topic are slim to none. BUT, I shall hold my head high, suck in as much oxygen as I can, while you drown me with your ribbing!