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BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
Greetings to all. I am an owner of a new BX1870D which I purchased early this last May; the tractor now has approximately 30 hours on it and I could not be more satisfied with it. We own three and a half acres in the Piedmont area of NC and I bought the 1870 for property maintenance and some future landscaping.

Prior to deciding on the BX1870, I spent several months perusing numerous on-line tractor forums (including this one) and it was my judgement that Kubota tractor owners seemed to be the most content with their tractors and that led me to decide on a Kubota. I needed something small but powerful and highly maneuverable and again, the 1870 seemed to be the most practical for our small acreage. Apart from our house, the acreage is composed of about half woods and half field/small meadow. Most of the hours accumulated thus far on the 1870 have been spent in mowing (a job which used to take me a full long day now takes less than three hours). I have been practicing a bit with the scrape blade and FEL but am still learning my way on those attachments.

Since taking delivery of the BX1870, I have about memorized the owner's manual, I have watched and read everything put out by Service Department Vic (some of his videos I watched several times) and I have spent many hours perusing each of the various categories on the forum. I am in awe as to the knowledge and experience on OTT (especially the fabrications done by Wildfire).

I do plan on performing my own maintenance; I'm retired and while my entire career was behind a desk, my dad (who was an aircraft mechanic) taught me a myriad of useful skills with tools; I enjoy doing both preventive maintenance and repair, as long as it doesn't require an exotic proprietary tool.

I probably won't say much on here unless it is a subject I know something about... and since I am in the learning stage I probably will ask more questions than provide answers.


Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Welcome to the hood and glad to hear your happy with your purchase of a Kubota. They are always a good decision... Treat her right and your grand kids will get to inherit her.


New member

Kubota L 3800 DT
Jun 5, 2013
Molalla, Oregon
Just took delivery of a new kubota L.3800 dt , 524 fel, 60" landpride grader and rotary mower, rollin' on R-4's filled with beet juice ! Not my first tractor, i've had 2 john deere units, and a case as well. After 1 hour on this kubota, I can feel and hear the quality,strength, and power this unit has. Although my case tractor I really liked, just too narrow and tippsy, and @ 24 hp. a little short on power. With loader, a 5' box scraper, and filled rear tires, that tractor weighed in at 3025 lbs. My kubota with loader, 60" grader, and filled rears, weighs in on our truck scales at work at 4970 lbs. Makes a huge difference on my hilly 30 acre horse ranch. Always wanted an orange tractor, should have done it long ago...


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Welcome, and just remember every time you walk in to the TOY store your going to find something else you want( don't really need but want) To ya know if I went one size bigger I could do (insert something here) . Enjoy the little girl and it will surprise you


New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
Thank you all for your welcome.
I have only two "cons" regarding the BX1870. The first has to do with the ROPS. I keep the ROPS in its folded position otherwise it won't fit into the small shed where I store my garden equipment. I keep it folded while mowing since I'm passing under a number of trees with branches. My problem is that I've beaned my head several times when off the tractor and checking things back at the 3pt hitch. I know the solution would be to raise the ROPS to fully upright before checking things, but get in a hurry and bang my head as a result.

The other con is that the tractor did not come with a tool kit nor a ready location for a tool kit. I've ordered a couple of 3 1/2" diameter manual canisters from AgSupply so that I can make up one tool kit and one small storage bin for extra pins and such.

What intrigues me is that on the back of the BX1870's seat are four small plastic plugs. Under those plugs are four 8mm threaded nuts. Why and what are those nuts there for? Does Kubota market a kit of some sort that bolts to the back of the seat? I've done searches for Kubota accessories that might bolt to the back of the seat but thus far have ended up with no results.

If any here might know, I'd appreciate hearing about it. Perhaps I should start a thread on that specific subject.



Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Ahhuummmm Ben if I may, in regards to the low hanging tree branches and the ROPS,,, After my arm got tangled in a branch and the ROPS :eek: and after spending sever hours in the ER getting it put back to how it was suppose to be, I took to carrying a folding saw with me. If a branch hit the ROPS or ME that sucker came off. ;) 2 good things came of this I can now see everything I need to see and got the trees pruned at the same time and I can walk around with out hitting them too. Just a thought, oh and I forgot, PICTURES man pictures we do like pictures,,lol


New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
Good advice, Skeets, and thanks. Dfh1977, thanks. I have spent several hours checking out Wildfire's mods and have paid particular attention to those mods he's done with toolboxes and canisters. I'm going with the canisters because I do not have the tools nor skills to build the sort of things Wildfire does. I've also looked into making a tool "box" out of PVC and attaching it to the FEL uprights. I'll probably go that route if I am unhappy with using the manual canisters.

For me, the ideal setup would be a Kubota-original and Kubota-manufactured toolbox that attaches to the four 8mm nuts on the back of the seat. These nuts must have been placed here to serve some function I would suppose. If I had Wildfire's skills and knowledge I would fabricate a toolbox and put those 8mm nuts to use.



New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
skeets... regarding pictures, I'll see what I can do. I should have asked my wife to take some while I'm either mowing or practicing my landscape skills. A couple of weeks ago I did shift about a ton of mulch for my neighbor. That would have been the perfect opportunity for pictures. I'll work on this so that in the future I can post some.



Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Hi Ben. Welcome to the site. Glad to hear your enjoying your Kubota. Yes it might have a few shortcomings but anything ever built do in my opinion. You'll find a way to work around those shortcomings in time.

Thank you very much for your kind comments on my work and I'm happy to read you've looked at my BX mod thread. Glad it's been beneficial to you. There's plenty of information on here so have a good look around.
Great to see you on here. Happy tractoring.


Active member

MX5000DT LA852, BX1800D, B6000DT, B6200HSTD, B7100HSTD, L185, T1700HX, ZD1211
Mar 9, 2013
Good advice, Skeets, and thanks. Dfh1977, thanks. I have spent several hours checking out Wildfire's mods and have paid particular attention to those mods he's done with toolboxes and canisters. I'm going with the canisters because I do not have the tools nor skills to build the sort of things Wildfire does. I've also looked into making a tool "box" out of PVC and attaching it to the FEL uprights. I'll probably go that route if I am unhappy with using the manual canisters.

For me, the ideal setup would be a Kubota-original and Kubota-manufactured toolbox that attaches to the four 8mm nuts on the back of the seat. These nuts must have been placed here to serve some function I would suppose. If I had Wildfire's skills and knowledge I would fabricate a toolbox and put those 8mm nuts to use.

Ben, I'm not sure about your particular model, but I know that a lot of other Kubotas have nuts built into the seat to hold a bracket that you can slide a "slow moving vehicle" sign in/out of.


New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
freewheel3... ah hah. So that's what those nuts are for. I didn't think of that because the left tail light mounting piece has a square-holed flange on it. The dealer told me that was for the SMV sign.

I hate to let those 8mm holes go to waste and so intend to try and fabricate a holder for the 3 1/2" diameter manual canister I've ordered. That seems to be a pretty good location for a small tool carrier.

Thanks for the info, freewheel3.
