I didn't intend to hurt your feelings but I still stand behind my opinion. A land plane was made for people that don't have the skills to put dirt or rock on grade with other implements. I mean really, what kind of skill does it take to set it down and drag it behind you? It's doing all the work for you.This is the kind of comment that someone makes when they have nothing worthwhile to add. I will not stoop to that level.
Have you ever used a grader behind your tractor?
I guess when it comes right down to it you have me on this one. No, I have not used one behind my tractor. Yes I have used a grader and like I said before the box scrape is much more suited to my needs.
As far as I'm concerned this has gone as far as it needs to go. If you feel the need to continue just send a PM. I have a strong feeling if this continues it will get ugly and I have more respect for my OTT brothers than that.