Where on the thermometer do you draw the line, throw in the towel and say time get a cabbed machine? (What’s your limit?)
I’m not there yet, but I’ve come to terms with I’m not going to get younger, and I don’t foresee moving south in near future, at some point i got to set my limit…
Well.... I really don't know at what temp. a person or machinery gives in? I guess its combination of needs and wants.
I "matured" during a time that if we didn't make the work then the work didn't get done.
- if the lane way isn't cleared then getting in / out in an emergency wouldn't be possible. Kids couldn't catch the school bus, in case of fire the vol. fire dept. can't help, ambulance couldn't get in, etc...
- if the cows weren't miked and fed there would be no money to pay the bills and raise a family
- if the watering system didn't stay running cows need 25 gallons of water each a day and lactating sows another 5 gallons each and watering by buckets in winter sucks!! chickens and turkeys turn nasty after a day without water.
i would love a gp cabbed tractor for barn and yard work but given my situation the extra height and any chance of keeping the glass intact is just not in the cards. Field equipment 100% cabbed. (love my a/c, heat, filtered air, heated seats/heated floor mats to keep the feet cozy and heated cup holders to keep the drinks warm, )
once I age out i guess a cabbed RTV or skid steer with another set of accessories may end up in my yard but today too cheap for a whole new set of stuff.