What A Day! Somewhat heavy snows overnight. Began shoveling the entire drive, got roughly half done before the back caught up with me. Decided to put the battery in Baby OJ finish the rest along with neighbors down the main rd. All was well till I shutoff while shooting the breeze. Poor O'l OJ just didn't want to start, thinking was the rod causing the issue like in late summer / early fall crawled under wiggled things around, no go. Removed the battery as I noted the dash indicators were just barely visible. Walked home gave the bat a quick tickle 10/15mins walked back down the rd. reinstalled OJ took off. I finished their drive, got back home preformed some investigative work, discovered the alt belt very loose, along with the alt itself looked to be at the end of its travel. I was going to just keep things as is till spring, however got the better of me, so I dugout a new belt proceeded to separate the main shaft which wasn't as bad as I'd been fearing. With my eyes failing everything kept going out of focus driving me crazy. Took me better part of the day to complete the job as the temp dropped 9f and the wind really came up (hi wind warnings for this evening). Anyways believe we'll be ready for the next storm. This evening the O'l chest is hurting to no end short of breath, I came out from under OJ earlier & was so off balance tripped over myself so many times lost count, fell up the stairs trying to get inside. With the chest doing its thing hopefully wake in the morning. Cross the fingers!