L275 4wd Catastrophe


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Kubota L275DT
Jun 6, 2015
Brighton, MI
I purchased a used L275DT a year or so ago. When the guy sold it to me, he handed me the propeller shaft and the forward cover that mates with the front axle housing. He said "I removed this so that the 4wd doesn't get destroyed any further. Something is wrong with it and I never fixed it."

Ok, I can dig that. Except for one, slight, problem...

He also removed the cover that bolts to the 4wd gearing on the transmission side. Needless to say, I had no idea - until today, when the seal finally popped out and a fun little shower of fluid graced my driveway, lawn, flower garden, car, etc. Lucky for me, it was only at idle when it happened,and I had just started the tractor.

So I have a fairly large issue now. I have the seal, and it is intact. Although I will probably order a new one just to be safe. However, the "Cover" #35290-44570 is not in my possession. I would like to get one, but I see that it is discontinued. It appears that this cover is what holds the seal in place. I am lucky it didn't blow before this. Also, I would like to eventually repair the 4wd, which I am 80% certain is the 35290-43300 Bevel Assembly (7-34), but I need another coupling (#35290-44520) to put the propeller shaft back on when I do fix it.

Is there anyone that knows where I can find the cover and the coupling? I am pulling my hair out and frustrated. I really like this old Kubota, and I wish they had some of these parts available. I know, they can't make them forever, but one can hope...

Any help would be appreciated. I may see if I can fab a temporary plate to trap the seal, but would really like the original cover.



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Is there anyone that knows where I can find the cover and the coupling? I am pulling my hair out and frustrated. I really like this old Kubota, and I wish they had some of these parts available. I know, they can't make them forever, but one can hope...

Any help would be appreciated. I may see if I can fab a temporary plate to trap the seal, but would really like the original cover.

See the Where to buy link in the ULTIMATE sticky at the top of this thread. Western KY tractor parts comes to mind. Link to them is in the list.


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May 6, 2016
San Diego, CA
I purchased a used L275DT a year or so ago. When the guy sold it to me, he handed me the propeller shaft and the forward cover that mates with the front axle housing. He said "I removed this so that the 4wd doesn't get destroyed any further. Something is wrong with it and I never fixed it."

Ok, I can dig that. Except for one, slight, problem...

He also removed the cover that bolts to the 4wd gearing on the transmission side. Needless to say, I had no idea - until today, when the seal finally popped out and a fun little shower of fluid graced my driveway, lawn, flower garden, car, etc. Lucky for me, it was only at idle when it happened,and I had just started the tractor.

So I have a fairly large issue now. I have the seal, and it is intact. Although I will probably order a new one just to be safe. However, the "Cover" #35290-44570 is not in my possession. I would like to get one, but I see that it is discontinued. It appears that this cover is what holds the seal in place. I am lucky it didn't blow before this. Also, I would like to eventually repair the 4wd, which I am 80% certain is the 35290-43300 Bevel Assembly (7-34), but I need another coupling (#35290-44520) to put the propeller shaft back on when I do fix it.

Is there anyone that knows where I can find the cover and the coupling? I am pulling my hair out and frustrated. I really like this old Kubota, and I wish they had some of these parts available. I know, they can't make them forever, but one can hope...

Any help would be appreciated. I may see if I can fab a temporary plate to trap the seal, but would really like the original cover.

If all sources are exhausted, I would get serious about a saved search on ebay.. The part will probably come up as used or sometimes as NOS, sometimes part of a larger assembly that is being parted out. You may have to be broad with some of your search terms but I have found some PRETTY obscure things over the years. It works especially well if time is on your side, as it will automatically email you results should (when) they come up.

love it or hate it, ebay is extraordinarily vast, and is a great store front for small business' or just people wanting to sell stuff.
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Jul 6, 2015
western ma
I purchased a used L275DT a year or so ago. When the guy sold it to me, he handed me the propeller shaft and the forward cover that mates with the front axle housing.....Something is wrong with it and I never fixed it."........
You could use a couple washers as keepers that would screw on to hold the seal from falling out - its not under pressure so anything would keep it in, restoring use of the tractor.

Does the tractor move around ok in 2wd without the front axle grinding or making noises? If so that's a good sign. Jack it up and turn the stub shaft by hand to see if the assembly turns freely as the steering turns back and forth. You'll know whether you maybe need just shaft couplings or something more involved.
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Kubota L275DT
Jun 6, 2015
Brighton, MI
Wow! This community is pretty awesome. I got several responses with several good ideas...

Messicks, unfortunately, shows "0" quantity of the cover...

The eBay thing... I have had a search set up for the last year now. I get one or two esoteric items that cross that path, but mostly just filters and hydraulic pumps. But I will always keep my eyes open there. The one or two parts I HAVE seen cross that path are discontinued, so even though I haven't needed them yet, its an awesome option to always watch.

I now have a possible source for a part-out tractor! Thanks to this community...

I think that I will probably make a keeper piece for a quick temporary fix using the original seal. This will give me some time to clean, repair, and paint any parts I put back on the thing, and get the replacement seals on order. I guess I will be putting all new hydraulic fluid in this year... :eek:

Is the seal supposed to be flush with the face of the housing (that the cover mounts on)? I may have to remove that 4wd drive shaft to verify that it is all still intact.

The 4wd (without the propeller shaft installed) doesn't make any grinding noises, luckily. The shaft in the front spins semi-freely, and the front tires, when raised up off the ground, do turn the opposite tire in the opposite direction, so the differential does appear to be intact. I believe it to be the bevel gear assembly. Won't know for sure until I get it apart, but hey. Gotta love the oldies...

Again, you guys have been great. I appreciate everyone's response so far.



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Kubota L275DT
Jun 6, 2015
Brighton, MI
Here is a (sort of) side shot of the shaft with the bearing, and the seal is currently not present (it's in the house...). Again, I am assuming the bearing should be deeper in the housing, allowing enough room for the seal to fit so it is flush with the face of the housing? (3/8" - 1/2" - ish...)

Lol, the pic is upside down... Oops...


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L5450, L48, L3250, L345 never enough attachments
Jul 6, 2015
western ma
Yes the bearing has moved forward - needs to go back so the seal fits flush. The "cover" that holds them in place is the rear section of the telescoping shaft enclosure. Any chance the prior owner still has it ?

I'm wondering what symptoms led the prior owner to take down the front propeller shaft, disabling the 4wd. Since the oil is drained out, now would be good time to unbolt the gearbox in the picture and inspect the drive gears above it in the transmission. Some machines develop problems there. Front wheel drive on the early L's had some weak points, including the needle bearings on the shaft inside the gear bores (related thread here).
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Part Number 35290-44570 Vendor Kubota Messick's Price $135.73 Stock Quantity 0 Weight 2.50 lbs Days to Order 5-7 business days. . . .

Messicks, unfortunately, shows "0" quantity of the cover...
thewarrior, some personal experience. I also have a L275 and know how interesting it can be some times to find some parts.

As you pointer out, " Messicks, unfortunately, shows "0" quantity of the cover...", it also shows, "Days to Order 5-7 business days". I have run into this scenario before where they did not have any in stock but they could order them from a Kubota warehouse and get them in 5-7 business days then ship them to you. They could also give you a lead to after market items that you could not find by yourself. I have had both of these happen to me. Call them, do not email or text, you will get better results.

I got some oil seals, from an after market supplier, that Kubota had discontinued making or stock this way. I also got a Kubota exhaust elbow that no one was showing in stock this way. Nothing to lose but a little time on the phone.

My 2 cents.


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Kubota L275DT
Jun 6, 2015
Brighton, MI
Yes the bearing has moved forward - needs to go back so the seal fits flush. The "cover" that holds them in place is the rear section of the telescoping shaft enclosure. Any chance the prior owner still has it ?

I'm wondering what symptoms led the prior owner to take down the front propeller shaft, disabling the 4wd. Since the oil is drained out, now would be good time to unbolt the gearbox in the picture and inspect the drive gears above it in the transmission. Some machines develop problems there. Front wheel drive on the early L's had some weak points, including the needle bearings on the shaft inside the gear bores (related thread here).
Symptoms: He said the 4wd was broke. That was it. He also told me he removed the prop shaft to keep the condition from getting worse.

I have a cover and a coupling on the way, fortunately, as I am 100% positive the guy will tell me he doesn't have them.

As for what I have been able to discern, the 4wd shifts in and out pretty tight. There is a slight grinding noise (very slight, more of a couple clicking sounds, and not from the detent ball on the lever) when it goes to shift. There is VERY little play in the 4wd output shaft when it is shifted in gear and the tractor is off. It seems to spin freely when shifted back out.

When I spin the left front tire, the right front spins in the opposite direction, so it seems the internals of the differential are good. When I go to spin the stubby spline sticking out of the front differential housing where the propeller shaft connects, I can feel a weird grinding/knocking. I am fairly confident the issue lies with that shaft or its bevel ring partner attached to the differential itself.

I also get a feeling from the way the tractor drove (before puking its hydro all over my property) that perhaps part of the problem is in the front end. The bumper is non-existent, and the front end was pretty smashed up. Maybe he hit something and it broke? The steering is a bit loose, and when there is side pressure on either front tire, like turning while on a slight incline, the tires seem to have a slight wobble (toe in/out) when they steer. Is it possible that this condition puts pressure on the gears in the differential housing? Perhaps I am putting too much thought into it?

I am tempted to take the 4wd drive housing off the transmission, but I'm not sure how much of a can of worms I'd be opening. If I DO remove it, is there a paper gasket between the transmission and the 4wd Drive housing? Or do they just RTV caulk a make-shift gasket when they mount it?


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western ma
Gasket is paper - rtv would work ok.

Unlikely the front ring and pinion are damaged from an incident - more common for them to get worn if always left engaged and the tractor has a lot of hours on pavement. Or maybe its just bearings - could be cheap to fix.
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Kubota L275DT
Jun 6, 2015
Brighton, MI
Ok. Dropped the 4wd Drive case. Inspected gears and inserted new seal. Everything looks great. There is a small amount of wear on the edge of the teeth, but I believe that is normal. I replaced a few hydraulic o-rings to fix some previously evident leaks. Crossing fingers...

RTV'd the drive unit and installed back on the tractor. Tomorrow will be filter change and fill. When my new (used) cover comes in, we bolt it on and celebrate with a Blue Moon.

I am going to replace the oil and filter, and fuel filter, as well. Hey, why not?

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L5450, L48, L3250, L345 never enough attachments
Jul 6, 2015
western ma
If the drive unit and gears look ok that's good to know.
The front differential turning the wheels in different directions does indicate the spider gears and bushings are ok - but the main bevel pinion and ring gear could have an issue. Sometimes it's just bearings, sometimes teeth are worn. Sometimes they can be shimmed to run a while longer. Good luck, Dick B


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Kubota L275DT
Jun 6, 2015
Brighton, MI
Got a bunch of replacement seals in for the hydraulic system. Got the new 4wd unit seal. Got a replacement cover for the prop shaft. (Thanks, Lance!) Got everything cleaned up, painted and installed. Added 7 gallons of hydraulic UDT. And she's alive!

Soon, I will be replacing the front differential, and doing some other painting and fixing. Hydraulics are strong again. Fuel system got a good maintenance. Yeah, if I were a dog, I'd be wishing for two tails to wag...

I think that next year is going to be fixing the L1730 FEL. The up/down cylinders are weaker than the bucket tilt. And I still have to find a owners manual for it.

Thanks to everyone for their awesome support and all the food for thought! And Lance for the parts I've needed!

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this really it ?


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L185, L235, L275
Jan 12, 2025
Waynesville OH
this really it ?
I’m not clear that it will fit L275 with the slightly different part number…I’m curious given the 2nd of the part number matches. Anyone know?

North Idaho Wolfman

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I’m not clear that it will fit L275 with the slightly different part number…I’m curious given the 2nd of the part number matches. Anyone know?
It gives you the dimensions in the link.
It would be a long shot that it will fit.

This is one of our vendor sellers.
Look at the bottom of the listing, it doesn't show your model.

@007kubotaguy might have one in his parts stash, send him a PM.


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L185, L235, L275
Jan 12, 2025
Waynesville OH
It gives you the dimensions in the link.
It would be a long shot that it will fit.

This is one of our vendor sellers.
Look at the bottom of the listing, it doesn't show your model.

@007kubotaguy might have one in his parts stash, send him a PM.
I found a readily available coupler that has the correct spline, length, and OD. The only difference is the roll pin size which can be redrilled 90 degrees away if I can’t make the larger roll pin work. P/N 3A021-44520 Output Shaft Coupler Fits Kubota L48 M4700DT M4800SUD-F M4900DT - happens to match the L275 as well beside the roll pin hole diameter.

Hopefully this helps someone else in the future.
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