B2650 Jerky / jumpy hydrostatic transmission


New member
Oct 7, 2017
Bellingham, WA
I bought a new B2650 and it's almost 2 years old. Since day one the hydro static transmission has been jumpy. I read on another forum that another gentleman was having this issue. It's most noticeable in high range, a little less in medium range and barely noticeable in low range due to the gearing. It's still doing it, just less noticeable. When you try to inch up to something close like a trailer or trying to attach an implement it will all of the sudden jump or lurch. I normally use medium range for most of my tractor work. I took it to the dealer and they compared it to a new B2650 on their lot and they say it does the same thing. I didn't witness that test. They called Kubota technical support and they had no answers. So I am told it's normal and I will have to go into low range every time I get close to something and don't want to risk running into anything. This is extremely annoying and maddening when it jumps and I tag the side of my 2016 powder coated dump trailer. I always garage and keep my stuff nice. In 2 years my B2650 only has 62 hours on it. Does anyone here have any information on this issue? I would be so happy if there was a way to make it not be so jumpy!
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
I also have a new B2650 with the same behavior. It seems to be doing it less as I use it, but it is not 0. Rkidd and his dealer worked out a fix,but my dealer declined to try it. The tech that tested mine out said it was a "normal" B transmission. I have an L3560 as well, and it has a much nicer transmission, so I was disappointed in the B hst. However it gets the job done.


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Feb 27, 2017
echo bay
I work at a dealership. I also am not fond of the HST on the b 2650 and 3350. The older b series of the same line have the same issue and the only way I have found to resolve it is to just use a lower gear selection when you don't want it to lurch. Was told by a rep that it has to do with the way the HST valve works.

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B2650, FEL With QA 60"mmm, 3pt FDR1672,homemade ballast box, BB 1572 box scraper
Dec 7, 2015
Jefferson Ohio
I work at a dealership. I also am not fond of the HST on the b 2650 and 3350. The older b series of the same line have the same issue and the only way I have found to resolve it is to just use a lower gear selection when you don't want it to lurch. Was told by a rep that it has to do with the way the HST valve works.

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There is a fix . I had the same lurching problem with mine. Dealer got ahold of his rep and they put different springs on the forward and reverse neutral switches. My tractor is smooth as silk and operates like it should. No more slamming into implements hooking them up.


New member
Oct 7, 2017
Bellingham, WA
There is a fix . I had the same lurching problem with mine. Dealer got ahold of his rep and they put different springs on the forward and reverse neutral switches. My tractor is smooth as silk and operates like it should. No more slamming into implements hooking them up.
I would like to know what dealership did this fix for you. I would like to contact their service department and get the details so I can pass it along to my dealer. I would be very happy having a tractor that doesn't lurch all the time. Thanks!


New member
Feb 27, 2017
echo bay
I would like to know what dealership did this fix for you. I would like to contact their service department and get the details so I can pass it along to my dealer. I would be very happy having a tractor that doesn't lurch all the time. Thanks!
I second that so I can do the needed things to customer units

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B2650, FEL With QA 60"mmm, 3pt FDR1672,homemade ballast box, BB 1572 box scraper
Dec 7, 2015
Jefferson Ohio
The fix is replacing the springs on the forward and reverse nuetral swithces. It was handled by my dealers area rep. Your dealers can get ahold or their area reps and in turn perform the repairs.


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
My dealer and his tech, when they didn't want to apply that fix to mine, said they were concerned about premature wear. This was repeated by the area service rep, same one as did your tractor. He also said finding the right springs was a matter of trial and error. I am wondering if they wouldn't do it to mine because of warranty issues or if it was too time consuming? Or if Kubota Corp didn't want everyone doing it?


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1982 B7100HST-DT, RC60-71H MMM, 5ft. back blade
Aug 11, 2015
Pine Village, Indiana
Does it continue to happen after everything is warmed up? My 83 B7100 HST is really jumpy in high range when it's cold. After about 10-15 minutes of operation it evens out and is easier to operate. Just a thought, although from the sounds of it, there may already be a fix for your issue.


New member
Oct 7, 2017
Bellingham, WA
My B2650 lurches or jumps whether it's warmed up or cold. It's been doing it since brand new and it currently has 62 hours on the machine. A brand new B3650 on my dealers lot does the same thing.


New member
Oct 7, 2017
Bellingham, WA
An update: The Kubots factory rep stopped by my house and drove my B2650 around the yard to see exactly what it is doing first hand. He does see what I am complaining about. He did agree that it would be a pain to have the tractor jump or lurch while in medium range doing loader work. He seemed very knowledgeable and said there are two spring valve assemblies (fwd & reverse) that they could adjust the spring pressures on. So they are ordering both assemblies and adjusting the spring pressures on them. When they are ready I can bring my machine in and they will install them and make sure it works like I want it to. He told me there is one possible drawback to doing this and that is when my foot is not on the fwd / reverse pedal the tractor may have a greater tendency to roll if on an incline. I am totally fine with that. I used to have a manual gear box tractor and you always had to apply the parking brake if you wanted to get off the machine. It's a good practice to get in the habit of anyway. So in the coming weeks I'll post how it all works.


New member
Oct 7, 2017
Bellingham, WA
Good news! My B2650 hydrostatic transmission is smooth as silk now. My Kubota dealer here in Lynden Washington changed out some springs for different pressures and it works wonderful. Couldn't be happier! So if you have a Kubota B2650 with a transmission that jumps a bit when your trying to inch up close to something there is a way to make it better.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Your dealer didnt happen a parts kit number or anything did he?


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Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
This is a very good thread....

On my B2410 (Ser # 51330) it has 4.6 hours to go to reach the 2000 hour mark. I stay on top of maintenance and repairs as found. When I run it over to town, a two stop light town with a McDonalds, I run in high range at max RPM.

My question is not a biggy but would like info on it. With the forward pedal all the way down I will be cruising along on level road and occasionally it will lurch and speed up a smidge. Not bad... just like a Hummmm... I wonder why that happens type of concern. The RPMs always remain the same when it does this. In a perfect world it should have a steady speed. I can only see this in high range and flat out.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it something I should be concerned about? Butch:rolleyes::eek::confused:

Chilliwack Murray


B7510 with loader and BH4672 backhoe, JD400 industrial Backhoe, B6100.
Jan 8, 2019
BC, Canada
Wondering if anyone came up with a part number for the kit need to fix this problem.
Would be great if someone who had the repair done could scan the service report section describing the repair and the parts used so the rest of us have some more info to take to our local dealers who seem to know nothing about this.
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Jan 18, 2025
Hi all,

New to this forum, we just bought our first Kubota! It’s a 2007, b2710, 3000 hours. We picked it up at a pretty good price, although I know we are kind of taking a chance on it with pretty high hours. Will be mainly using it for cutting grass and a bit of tilling.

Just wanted to bump this up again, has anyone had this experience since OP seemed to get it fixed?

I’m not sure if ours actually has a problem or is the jumpy forward/reverse just nature of the hydrostatic, or even just the nature of our model with these hours on it.

Another potential issue is the whine from the transmission as you engage the forward/reverse, although I understand this might also be the nature of the hydrostatic. Just unsure how much whining is too much…

Any advice would be much appreciated!
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Jan 28, 2025
Westerville Ohio
Hi all,

New to this forum, we just bought our first Kubota! It’s a 2007, b2710, 3000 hours. We picked it up at a pretty good price, although I know we are kind of taking a chance on it with pretty high hours. Will be mainly using it for cutting grass and a bit of tilling.

Just wanted to bump this up again, has anyone had this experience since OP seemed to get it fixed?

I’m not sure if ours actually has a problem or is the jumpy forward/reverse just nature of the hydrostatic, or even just the nature of our model with these hours on it.

Another potential issue is the whine from the transmission as you engage the forward/reverse, although I understand this might also be the nature of the hydrostatic. Just unsure how much whining is too much…

Any advice would be much appreciated!
Hi I also just purchased a b2710. I’d say it’s normal and it’s just the springs on the foward and reverse. I came here thinking all the same things you said. I felt my hydros were pretty loud but u feel the same way it definitely is a little jerky in medium but smooth in Low I haven’t used high much yet. I’d say all of the above is normal after reading these forms. I was a bit scared mine was going out etc. I’d say you’re good at 3,000 hrs and makes me feel good bc I have 1,000