What happened back then?


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
My feelings on the so called scientific community is simple,,,, Follow the money !
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B8200HST-DP , RC60-82h Mower Deck, Woods RB6 Rear Blade, Homemade Carry All
Oct 27, 2023
Grass Lake, Michigan
Well it's great to want to fix it, BUT...when you keep buying stuff from China, who DOESN'T want to fix it, well 'Houston ,we have a problem.We( Canada) could stop 100% of our GHG polution, China outputs that amount ,what every week ? Hard to get real numbers but they do commision a coal fired plant every week or two.....
As for 'trees', I've tried for 3 decades to get someone either the feds or provinces to run a program(self funding, no taxpayer money needed) to 'reduce wildfires' that would MINIMIZE loss of trees, MINIMIZE loss of structures, MINIMIZE loss of life and gee, save MILLIONS of critters that live IN those forests...simple, easy to implement, creates jobs, etc.. have never, ever received an acknowledgement form the 20 -25 emails over those 3 decades. If LA had implemented this ,they would not have lost 15,000+ homes, 50+ lives, 100B$ in 'losses'.

Just because something CAN be done,for the better of all, doesn't mean it WILL be done.

In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out why 2 pilots tried to land on 19, without 3 green.
Population. To many people, to few sustainable resources. What we should do is often debated by those who don't see or don't want to see the problem. The "follow the money" folks forget the money flows to the ones causing the problem as well as those who try to fix the problem and the "snake oil" people who also try and fix the problem. For every time people say, "well so and so green party takes money from", I can say "so and so conservative gets money from oil". It's a never ending cycle of point the finger. We all use the drug called oil and we are all addicted. A good 12 step program for most would still have less then 5% come off this drug as in real life. Churchill said it best, " the U.S. will do the right thing,but only when their back is against the wall". Oil is a finite resource. By current use of what we know is in the ground,not what we think or hope is in the ground is used up by 2047. The more people we have the greater the use. If gas prices were like Europe or Asia, we would be moving off of it because most working class people could not afford it.

In the end our children and grandchildren we pay the price for what we do.
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The Evil Twin

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L2501, LA526,
Jul 19, 2022
Yeah. The big money maker is scaring people about the boogeyman "carbon emissions". Thing is, that's only one cherry in the whole pie. Most developed nations are not even in the top 100 worst polluters. According to a WHO study, North America isn't even in the top 150.
But hey, I still need my widget from China where there is no concern for worker safety or waste water management or coal exhaust.
That's all secondary. I'm still waiting for my oceanfront property in NYC. They said it would be by now.
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
currently for every buck I spend to heat my house, another dollar goes to the feds as the 'Carbon Tax' !
that's in addition to the $25 admin fee, cost to transport, and 3 or 4 other 'fees' AND then 13% on TOP of all of it !!!

BTW oil is NOT a 'finite resource', it's being made all the time,just takes longer than humans live.

And if gas/diesel cost like Europe, EVERYTHING you buy will cost more due to expensive shipping(er TRUCKING ) costs. Getting all those Made in China goods from Vancouver requires diesel (plane, train,truck ) !

Also, anyone want to ground all the airplanes ? Tell the public they can't go on vacation ??

If the USA and Canada put a 250% tariff on EVERYTHING that comes from China,it'd help


Active member

B8200HST-DP , RC60-82h Mower Deck, Woods RB6 Rear Blade, Homemade Carry All
Oct 27, 2023
Grass Lake, Michigan
currently for every buck I spend to heat my house, another dollar goes to the feds as the 'Carbon Tax' !
that's in addition to the $25 admin fee, cost to transport, and 3 or 4 other 'fees' AND

BTW oil is NOT a 'finite resource', it's being made all the time,just takes longer than humans live.

And if gas/diesel cost like Europe, EVERYTHING you buy will cost more due to expensive shipping(er TRUCKING ) costs. Getting all those Made in China goods from Vancouver requires diesel (plane, train,truck ) !

Also, anyone want to ground all the airplanes ? Tell the public they can't go on vacation ??

If the USA and Canada put a 250% tariff on EVERYTHING that comes from China,it'd help
Finite is just that, when "we" use it it's gone. Infinite means "we" will never run out. Yes, nature is still making fossil fuels. Now we can turn any carbon based material into oil. We have proven this over and over, polymer-dethermalization. So garbage in one end, oil,heavy metals and pure water out the other. We will or could have oil after 2047, question is who could afford it.


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L3301 HST, LA525, LP shredder, BB1566 box blade, QH10, Worksaver pallet fork
Jul 6, 2018
Gilmer,Tx,United States
Wife's sister has owned a canal lot for over 30 years on the Tx gulf coast very near the La line and the high tide is about the same level it's allways been. More to that haveing to move story is my point.
Was listening to a seminar several years back put on by Tx Forestry Service and they say there are more trees in North America today than when the Pilgrams landed. Maybe just in the wrong place ?


Active member

L3301 HST, LA525, LP shredder, BB1566 box blade, QH10, Worksaver pallet fork
Jul 6, 2018
Gilmer,Tx,United States
In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out why 2 pilots tried to land on 19, without 3 green.
They didn't use the checklist or on downwind they passed the local hotel & the Swedish Bikini Team was sunbathing & the pilots got distracted, or the plane was on fire


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Wife's sister has owned a canal lot for over 30 years on the Tx gulf coast very near the La line and the high tide is about the same level it's allways been. More to that haveing to move story is my point.
Was listening to a seminar several years back put on by Tx Forestry Service and they say there are more trees in North America today than when the Pilgrams landed. Maybe just in the wrong place ?
Don't know anything about sea levels but used to know more about trees.

Much of the nation was forested when the pilgrims landed. Of course, exceptions come to mind, like the Prairies or marshlands. I'm sure there were others.

As the states were colonized, we were primarily agrarian. Farmers cleared fields and pastures. Put drainage in wetlands to make them productive. A lot of timber was cut and sawn to build houses, barns, etc.

In the 18th, 19th and early 20th Centuries, I think New York State was <20%+/- forested. Today that is more like 60-65%.

"Old growth" is rare anywhere as everything was cut-over at some point, probably from coast-to-coast.

As many of those small family-sustaining farms were lost, the woodlands were restored.

Native tree species have natural regeneration process. Often there are "pioneer" species that populate an inactive pasture or field. Later, more long-lived species will populate the area until a "climax" forest is restored.

People think of NYS as New York City, but we have some very rural parts in NYS.

My county is 900 square miles (600k+ acres), 47k people, and almost 100k acres are State lands. Much of the State Lands are former farmlands. Now many are softwood (spruce, pine) tree plantations planted by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during the Great Depression of the 1930's.

All that said, I can certainly see Texas as being an exception to the rule. I don't know that much about Texas or the Prairies/ grasslands of our early days. I can envision plantations, and other stuff done by people that could potentially increase forestation percentages over time. Further east, there were many 1,000's of acres of short-rotation plantations managed for the pulp/paper industry.
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