Took my blower off yesterday. Probably 15 hours of use and the couplers still look factory fresh.
Factory or dealer did it.Was it your idea to put grease on the coupler or the dealers? I have never seen grease used on the coupler before, however, I also can't say that it is wrong or if it has any benefit. Only time will tell.
This is my feeling as well. @jsteinhauer pics above look like my original failed couplers (which I still have hanging around in my garage). The new replacement ones seem to be handling things as I originally intended based on my documentation of the use etc. here in this thread. The 23/24 winter was relatively mild in NH for snowfall. I cleared several storms with maybe 6-8hrs total on the blower and when I swapped to the FEL earlier in May the coupler looked good.I have a suspicion that it is not backed with anything other than a gut feeling that there is a problem with the original parts and that Kubota (or their manufacturer) has changed the material that the parts are made of, or they are having the parts hardened. This past winter we didn't see this happening like the year before. I was going to take my parts to a local shop that does hardening of gun parts to ask if they would harden them for me, but mine are not that worn. As noted in another post, the dealer had added grease to the mating parts and that one didn't show the wear that some of us have experienced. I suggest that you ask your selling dealer if they would warranty the "defective" parts. You never know how lucky you can get just by asking.