Thank you for your answer! We started measuring the wires, but we haven't come up with anything yet, so far so good.
What or which color wire could be wrong?
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Hey what did you figure out was wrong with your tractor? I got the same code this morning. Went through and checked the resistance on the solenoids at the ECU harness all (were good most at 28.1, Main Shift 2 and Shift 3 were at 32.8 though).
I swapped the pressure switch on the Master Clutch with Main Shift 4, and it's still giving me grief.
Suction filters and trans/hydraulic oil filter were changed in the fall, maybe have 200 hrs on them if that.
It was definitely giving me a little grief randomly when it got warm, under load or in deep snow it would randomly cut me out like I was riding the clutch when shuttling from Reverse to Forward, but it wasn't a often occurance. This morning though it won't roll 2 inches without throwing that code. So I managed to put some bales out in reverse oddly enough. Lol. Can't hook up to the vertical mixer though.
I see where I can screw in the guage to check the pressure (as per the WSM), but I definitely don't have an adapter that small enough to go from my guages and hose to that on the top of the transmission.
Curious what you figured out. My kubota mechanic said they'll likely have to split it (because the electrical on these tractors are solid LOL) as there is more than likely an O ring gone in the in the transmission which is causing no pressure to the master clutch switch. Just super weird it works beautifully in reverse in all ranges and gears.