Hi all, I purchased my first tractor this year a bx1880 with an fel and midmount mower. Within 30 minutes of owning the machine I loaded the front bucked with some rotted firewood, drove 20ft and got stuck. Over the last couple of days I've managed to get myself stuck a couple of times while digging up a new garden bed. I tried removing the midmount mower but still manage to get stuck even if the front bucket is empty. It seems like the front wheels love to dig themselves in to which I have to use the fel to lift and wiggle my way out. I've been told that here in upstate ny we have an abnormally high water table right now and I believe it as I can hear the water bubbling around in the yard and every step is a squishy mess. My question is should my bx be getting stuck like this or am I doing something wrong? I hardly get to use the machine out of fear of leaving more tire ruts and getting stuck. Neighbors have mowed 5+ times this year while I was only able to do around the house where it is dry, I chickened out on doing the back lot out of fear of getting stuck again. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.