I have a B7100 HST 4X4 and, when in high gear (rabbit), it's quite quick in forward and slower in reverse. It's about half or a quarter as fast in low gear, both in forward and reverse. All normal.
I just bought a B7200 HST 4x4 and when in reverse high speed or low, it's about as fast as the 7100 in high or low. In high gear forward, it's quite slow. In low gear forward, it's a crawler.
Is there something limiting the forward pedal? It seems to go all the way to the floor. Is there a second slow speed switch that's limiting forward but not reverse? IT would appear to be a nice feature to have a super low crawl speed but I need speed.
The engine runs fine and there doesn't seem to be a brake issue, but I would think a brake problem would affect forward and reverse.
Any ideas?
I just bought a B7200 HST 4x4 and when in reverse high speed or low, it's about as fast as the 7100 in high or low. In high gear forward, it's quite slow. In low gear forward, it's a crawler.
Is there something limiting the forward pedal? It seems to go all the way to the floor. Is there a second slow speed switch that's limiting forward but not reverse? IT would appear to be a nice feature to have a super low crawl speed but I need speed.
The engine runs fine and there doesn't seem to be a brake issue, but I would think a brake problem would affect forward and reverse.
Any ideas?