Mouse victory


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Kubota B7100(sold), Kubota LX2610 Cab
Oct 15, 2021
Since this thread has gone down the rodent eater - Cat Road...

I accidentally killed my wife's moderately affectionate cat many years ago. The cat's name was Tia. She's buried in the yard now. Anyway, she, Tia the cat, was a Siamese. A Beautiful cat. Gray was her main color. She hated everyone on odd days and loved everyone on even days. You could never tell when a good day was to pet her or run from her. She'd bite me on some days and other days, she'd fall asleep on my chest as I watched TV. She died at 27 years of age. 27!!!! Almost completely blind and hobbled around at the time.

But in her younger days she was awesome. A real rodent killer she was. We NEVER had mice or rats. I saw Tia catch a sparrow on the fly about 5 feet in the air one time. It was epic.


I was moving my wife's car one morning to get my truck out of the driveway. Unknown to me at the time, Tia was laying on top the tire of my wife's car. Or at least that's how figure it happened.

I moved "mom's" car and there was Tia, dead next to the tire. I mean, she was old old old. Probably couldn't get out of the way fast enough. Or, she just died the night before and I moved the car and there she was.

Yeah, I shed a tear.

Especially since I don't have a backhoe and it was digging by hand shovel. (Kidding around there. I did love Tia).

But when I lose a dog... It's different. It's like losing a best friend or brother.

Tia was a weapon against mice and all rodents. Sometimes loving, sometimes not.

My dogs are my best friends. Loving and obedient all the time.

Not a cat vs dog thing. Just my experience.
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Well-known member

Jun 22, 2023
A stray cat made friends with our cocker spaniel and made our place home so it could sleep with and follow ever track the dog made. One night I was kicked back in a yard recliner,dog underneath and cat laying on window ac. Neighbor's dog came up and began following around sniffing her rear as dogs do. I estimate dogs were 8-10 feet from house when the cat leaped and landed on the dog's back,climbed up behind his head and dug in. That dog took off into the dark yelping, knocked trash cans over at end of drive hundred yards away still yelping with our little spaniel barking after them. I think I detected a swagger in the cat when they returned. First and last time I ever witnessed a cat ambush a dog.
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Jun 22, 2023
One of my bosses had a Siamese that was the same way. He showed up for work one morning with scratches and bits from his face down both arms and hands. He had approached the cat to see why he was yowling and it attack. Cat lost his knockers over it but they wound up having to give him an over dose of sleep juice. Most of the guys at work said they would have administered swift justice via 2x4 and saved the price of surgery and euthanasia.
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Oct 31, 2023
Cats are protective of their family. Way back when I was 7 or 8 a strange dog showed up in our yard and started barking at me. Within seconds my cat was perched on top of a nearby rock snarling at the dog and then charged at it. The dog took off with the cat in hot pursuit. A few minutes later the cat comes strolling back with the "I showed him" look.

Another cat here more recently would supervise the kids when they were out playing and make sure they didn't get into trouble. She chased off an approaching snake a time or two.
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L4330 w/FEL, RTV-XG850 and ZD326S
Jul 21, 2013
Nice job on the screen barrier, I would also add a one or two dryer sheets, they hate the smell and won't chew on it to make nests.
Pissing in the wind, for all the good it will do.

Get some barn/shop cats. I will never, to my dying day, understand people who hate cats more than rats and mice - and snakes. o_O


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
Funny story here. I posted this on a CRV forum and someone ripped me about destroying the value of. …. Get this my 2008 CRV with 270K on it. Told him it wasn’t for sale and to not low ball me. I know what I got! Still laughing


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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
Cats are protective of their family. Way back when I was 7 or 8 a strange dog showed up in our yard and started barking at me. Within seconds my cat was perched on top of a nearby rock snarling at the dog and then charged at it. The dog took off with the cat in hot pursuit. A few minutes later the cat comes strolling back with the "I showed him" look.

Another cat here more recently would supervise the kids when they were out playing and make sure they didn't get into trouble. She chased off an approaching snake a time or two.

When I was kid growing up....we always had cats, always a Siamese. Had to save the neighbors full size/standard poodle one day. It had chased our cat under the car and the poodle got stuck. The cat realizing the predicament the dog was in.....took advantage of it and started attacking the poodle.

I mean REALLY going after it. The sounds coming out from under the car (both cat and dog) were horrible. The cat in full in 'attack' mode and the hapless dog yelping. I ran out to the car and managed to pull the cat off the dog. Dog finally wiggled out from under the car NEVER to be seen on our property again.

SAR Tracker

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LX2610HSDC, FEL, LX2963 Snowblower, BH77 Backhoe, forks
Nov 17, 2020
Central Oregon
Growing up at my parents house in the 60's, there was a mama cat next door that visited our house with her litter. A male dachshund came into the back yard one afternoon. Mama cat sent the kittens up the tree, and turned to do battle. Dog figured he didn't want ANY of that, but the cat was between him and the gate he came thru to enter the yard. He spied another exit - a missing slat in a fence. Hole was about 4" wide, but his butt was about 5" wide. Head and front shoulders went thru no problem, but then he got hung up. Mama cat rubbed her paws together, and went to work on his "boy-bits" . He broke out the remaining slats, and NEVER came back to the yard.