OK like I said I dont know where you are in PA, I would track down the county Ag person. look up Penn State Ag, and you should be able to track down the local office and agent, most times the Ag agent will know someone, or they may have equipment you can rent and a reasonable fee. Check your local feed stores, even Lowers, Home Depot, Rural King, and Tractor Supply stores. Post an add in the local paper and on the bulletin boards at those stores. I am not trying to "not " get you to buy a plow and disk and planter, just trying to help ease the up front out of pocket pain. And one more thought, if you are dead set on doing it your self, and I commend you if you do, look for a tiller a good 60 inch tiller will be costly, but in the end do more than you need and will make life easyer,, just a thought from the coal country