OK, I have to know WHY would you cut 31 acres ??
why does it get cut?
- cause if I turn it into garden my wife would leave me as gardening is her job. we already grow enough veggies to feed all the extended family and then some in existing gardens and my cold room is already too big
- cause I like my place looking nice
- cause I be blessed with a nice piece of property and I want to maintain it nicely
- cause its good character building for the younger folks, beats having them sit in front of their nintendo or cell phones and into gods country building character and grit.
- graass attracts the deer, birds, etc.. as our native pine forests on sand base are pretty bare of wildlife and we like to see the little action it brings in.
How long does it take?
- my job is to supply the equipment. I don't make the work myself. It doesn't get cut in 1 shot usually I will guess maybe over 3 evenings or a morning + couple of evenings either my wife or younger family member will jump on a mower and make the work so maybe 12 hrs?? but could be a little more or less.
Why a zero turn?
- well my smallest tractor on site is a L3301 and I don't like lending out tractors as they seem to often come back in worse shape then I lend them out. More importantly those making the work a little to young for that responsibility.
- easy to find even youngest member of family (city folk) capable of running a zero turn. Having them tow my "classic" frontier finishing mower is a completely different set of potential problems including them having to remove a BH or logging winch which is normally on that tractor.
- tractor work is my job...grass work falls on younger kids. Its good training and work ethic building as they grow old enough and experienced enough to move up the food chain.