Power Steering Add on for the B8200, Part 2(picture heavy)


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Pleasant View UT, USA
Now it’s time to install the hydraulics to get this bad boy all fired up! You will notice that there are 2 hydraulic transfer blocks to hook up your hoses to. First remove the block on top of the aux hydraulic transfer thing-a-ma-jig on the RH side of the tractor.

Then install the provided blocks.

I went to install these and hit another wall. The smaller of the 2 blocks would not allow me to get a socket onto the block, as the machined riser was a little too close. A simple change to the machining would have solved that problem as they only needed about 1/32” to make it happen. I’ll place the blame on the engineer for overlooking that. Break out the dremel again. This time I modified a cheap socket, and turned about ¼ of it into a really thin walled socket! Works well thank you very much. Well the next SNAFU happens when I notice that there is hole in the back of each one of these little blocks, and I think to myself “I’ll bet fluid squirts out of those things when I turn the tractor over.” I was correct! I searched around the package to see if I was missing some plugs, but I couldn’t find any, so I fired off a phone call to Rick over at TPS, he said, sorry, we usually put a plug in there and weld it up to seal it off. He promptly got another set to me via UPS. So after about a week I began round two at installation. Things seem to be going better. I finally get everything hooked up and fire up the tractor.

I keep the RPM’s low and cycle through the steering per the instructions. I check everything on the RAM side and find that the mounting bracket is bending where I ground out the area for the foot rest…more angry words. I then check the hydraulic block side of things and see quite a bit of fluid leaking out…even more angry words. After close inspection I see that a goodly amount of fluid is leaking through the welded plugs! By this time I’m pretty peaved and had to take a break before I blew a gasket.

Had to bug the neighbor for some scrap steel and the use of a welder to reinforce the mounting bracket. Got that project taken care of in short order.

Now what to do with these stinking blocks. Fortunatelly I had not returned the original blocks, so instead of waiting another week for parts to arrive, I took them to a local machine shop to get them plugged up. That extra expenditure was truly unacceptable in my opinion. I personally know it is more challenging to make an oil tight seal, but if you are selling parts for commercial gain, you should be a little more skilled at using a MIG gun. Or just use a TIG gun for heck sake.

Finally got everything put back together and I must say, this system works like a dream! Very smooth and refined steering. I still worry a little about the mounting bracket, but time will tell if it gives me problems. The ram seems to be a little over sized for this tractor, and I’m sure a less powerful one would have worked just fine, but so far I am happy with the results. Unfortunately this isn’t just a bolt on kit as billed, but if you have a little know how, I think it is a worthwhile project for your little Orange Tractor.


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New member
Jun 28, 2009
Pleasant View UT, USA
I told him about the mounting bracket, but have not had a chance to talk to Rick about the transfer blocks. I'll be calling him this week on that one.

I think you could get a system put together for your DT model tractor. If you end up doing it, let us know how it goes.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Hi Killerbee. My b8200 hydro came with factory power steering. It's pretty much the same as your kit, but I think my hydraulic block looks a bit different than yours. I'll take a pic of it tomorrow and post it. I put power steering on my b7200 which has a much simpler hydro block.the only problem I had was I couldn't use the tph and the fel at the same time. Other than that it worked great. Took me about a month to get it right though. Good job by the way.:cool:


New member

Jan 22, 2012
I have a few questions concerning the second photograph in the initial post of this thread.

what is the name of the main assembly in the photograph?

Are those 'hydraulic blocks" generic and can they be purchased by most any hydraulic specialty entity?

also, I am assuming that those ports are "tapping" into the pressure side of the hydraulic system. I am wanting to hook up a model B205 hydraulic plow to my B8200 tractor and am hopeful that I can use the same setup as depicted in the photographs.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Pleasant View UT, USA
For the life of me I cannot remember the name of that hydraulic block.

The little transfer blocks are custom made from the company I bought the kit from. I would imagine you could contact them to see if just those blocks are available. I do not know if you could buy them elsewhere.

Yes they are on the high pressure side. There is a nut with a roll pin through it that allows you to adjust the pressure through that block. I just leave it wide open.


New member

Jan 22, 2012
could you provide the contact detail of the entity that sold you the hydraulic block?

Also, could you provide a few more details on why you had to machine the blocks? just wanted to better understand what actions I would have to perform in order to get them to work on my tractor.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Pleasant View UT, USA
Sorry for the delayed reply Jimy, been out of town.

Tractor power steering was the company I bought the kit from. They would be the ones to talk to about ordering just the blocks.

I actually didn't machine them. They came pre-fabbed. The first set I had didn't have a plug installed in the back, so all the fluid just squirted out. The second set had the plugs installed, but it wasn't a good seal, and they still had pin-hole leaks, so I took them in to get them welded up. If I were to order them again, I would take them to someone with a TIG machine and have them go over the plugs in the back just to be sure before you contaminate them with oil.


New member

Jan 22, 2012
Thanks for the reference.

Does the power steering assembly that you mounted have a return line to the hydraulic fluid reservoir (low pressure return)?

Also, are both of the lines photographed continuous high pressure?


New member

May 29, 2017
I know this is an old thread, but need so info from it. Does anyone know what that cylinder is called or where to get one. I have a b8200d but the cylinder is shot and that one would be an easy replacement.


North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I know this is an old thread, but need so info from it. Does anyone know what that cylinder is called or where to get one. I have a b8200d but the cylinder is shot and that one would be an easy replacement.
I haven't seen a new one of those in years.
They have long been discontinued.

I would take yours to a hydraulic shop and get it repaired.

Doug N

New member

L185DT, NH T1530
Apr 27, 2016
Is this what you're after?
Power Steering Cylinder - Yanmar F FX and YM Series (tractorpartsasap.com)
I believe these are the same as what was supplied by Hoye tractor before they were bought out by this company. Hope this helps. Working on installing one on my l185 but having some interference issues with my aftermarket loader. Will work it out I hope. The tie rod end that is fixed to the cylinder matches the one on the Kubota. Was concerned it wouldn't.