My kubota m108x gradually keeps reving itself up till it’s running wide open and you can’t idle down
Turning the key off will kill it at any timeHow are you able to stop it?
No fault codesDo any fault codes appear on instrument panel? I'll guess common-rail electrical problem.
My guess from viewing M108X parts catalog is that engine speed(rpm's) is electronically controlled because I located no mechanical governor in PCNow I’m leaning towards an issue with the governor. Not familiar with your engine but I assume it’s a mechanical governor?
Is the throttle lever actually physically moving?when baling and the throttle is set after about an hour rpm starts climbing.
You can cut the throttle back but it keeps climb till the redline.
once it cools down it acts right again for a while
Wow that sucks man.Latest update the alternator Shorted out catching the tractor on fire
i got the fire put out but it burned the wiring so I’m repla one wire at a time so I won’t get confused a Kubota mechanic told me that this might have been my problem. We shall see unless I go crazy first