B2400 and Husco Valve


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B2400 with FEL and Belly Mower, G4200 with Mower Deck
Aug 14, 2023
Eastern Iowa
Working on chasing issues on my B2400. Just replaced the bad hoses on the loader and all 4 Quick Disconnects to hook up the loader. In getting that all done I noticed some cracks on the spacers for what I now see are the float and regen valves. After digging a bit it seems like this is a fairly common issue with the Husco Loader Valve on my tractor. There is a video on you tube showing how to replace them and credits Butch on this site with the idea to drill holes so they drain better. I guess my question is how good is the valve after I get the detents taking care off. I can get either the two valve kits or a generic loader valve from Surplus Center for about the same money. Replacing the detent and regen valves seems like it will likely be a bit easier but then I will still have a 30 year old valve with 2000 hours on it. However I wonder if the 30 year old OEM valve is better than what I assume is some valve from China that I get from Surplus Center. Have any of you faced this dilemma? What would you do?


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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
Working on chasing issues on my B2400. Just replaced the bad hoses on the loader and all 4 Quick Disconnects to hook up the loader. In getting that all done I noticed some cracks on the spacers for what I now see are the float and regen valves. After digging a bit it seems like this is a fairly common issue with the Husco Loader Valve on my tractor. There is a video on you tube showing how to replace them and credits Butch on this site with the idea to drill holes so they drain better. I guess my question is how good is the valve after I get the detents taking care off. I can get either the two valve kits or a generic loader valve from Surplus Center for about the same money. Replacing the detent and regen valves seems like it will likely be a bit easier but then I will still have a 30 year old valve with 2000 hours on it. However I wonder if the 30 year old OEM valve is better than what I assume is some valve from China that I get from Surplus Center. Have any of you faced this dilemma? What would you do?
Not a snowballs chance I would spend $300+ repairing a 30 year/ 2000 hour control valve.

If you want to stick with fast dump (regen) Brand hydraulics is a well known and respected supplier of quality hydraulic components. Be very careful on model numbers - I think that Surplus Center valve must be mounted on edge. I don't think they sell the vertical model.

If you can live without regen you can save a hundred or so with a P40 valve from Summit. They used to sell Badenost made in Bulgaria. Not sure who the current supplier is.



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B2400 with FEL and Belly Mower, G4200 with Mower Deck
Aug 14, 2023
Eastern Iowa
Not a snowballs chance I would spend $300+ repairing a 30 year/ 2000 hour control valve.

If you want to stick with fast dump (regen) Brand hydraulics is a well known and respected supplier of quality hydraulic components. Be very careful on model numbers - I think that Surplus Center valve must be mounted on edge. I don't think they sell the vertical model.

If you can live without regen you can save a hundred or so with a P40 valve from Summit. They used to sell Badenost made in Bulgaria. Not sure who the current supplier is.

So this is my first time ever owner or working a loader. Can you give me some background on what Regen and Float do?


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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
There may be another consideration. I don't have access to a WSM for your loader, so I can't see the details on it. But on my L35's Husco valve, the boom control has a series circuit. The return flow from the boom cylinder is routed to power beyond instead of the more common tank. This makes the full pump flow available to the bucket dump, with reduced pressure, while the boom is in motion. I don't know how common this is on Kubota loaders, but most aftermarket valves don't have it. Loader valves without the series feature are very common, so they are surely serviceable, the feel may be different.

Float is common on the boom control, it allows the boom down on gravity instead of forcing it down with hydraulic pressure. This is useful for grading or back dragging.

Regeneration is common on the bucket control, it allows the bucket to dump faster. The cylinder exhaust is routed back to the inlet, making more flow available. Less effort is available, but dumping the bucket doesn't require much force.


New member

B2400 with FEL and Belly Mower, G4200 with Mower Deck
Aug 14, 2023
Eastern Iowa
There may be another consideration. I don't have access to a WSM for your loader, so I can't see the details on it. But on my L35's Husco valve, the boom control has a series circuit. The return flow from the boom cylinder is routed to power beyond instead of the more common tank. This makes the full pump flow available to the bucket dump, with reduced pressure, while the boom is in motion. I don't know how common this is on Kubota loaders, but most aftermarket valves don't have it. Loader valves without the series feature are very common, so they are surely serviceable, the feel may be different.

Float is common on the boom control, it allows the boom down on gravity instead of forcing it down with hydraulic pressure. This is useful for grading or back dragging.

Regeneration is common on the bucket control, it allows the bucket to dump faster. The cylinder exhaust is routed back to the inlet, making more flow available. Less effort is available, but dumping the bucket doesn't require much force.
I'm fairly certain that mine is plumped like you mentioned above with the power beyond because I have 4 hoses going to the loader which I assume are 2 for each direction on the loader then 3 going into the valve from the tractor which I assume are in out and power beyond. I think with the linked valve above I would need to purchase the optional power beyond adaptor here.

I assume I will probably really want to float function but it seems like Regen is sort of a nice to have but not really super useful.
I also wonder if I have mine whole thing connected correctly. Should moving the joystick up and down move the boom up and down or curl the bucket?


New member

B2400 with FEL and Belly Mower, G4200 with Mower Deck
Aug 14, 2023
Eastern Iowa
Not a snowballs chance I would spend $300+ repairing a 30 year/ 2000 hour control valve.

If you want to stick with fast dump (regen) Brand hydraulics is a well known and respected supplier of quality hydraulic components. Be very careful on model numbers - I think that Surplus Center valve must be mounted on edge. I don't think they sell the vertical model.

So the valve on my loader is mounted basically flat at a 45 degree angle. How do I determine if the valve will work in this configuration?


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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
I'm fairly certain that mine is plumped like you mentioned above with the power beyond because I have 4 hoses going to the loader which I assume are 2 for each direction on the loader then 3 going into the valve from the tractor which I assume are in out and power beyond. I think with the linked valve above I would need to purchase the optional power beyond adaptor here.

I assume I will probably really want to float function but it seems like Regen is sort of a nice to have but not really super useful.
I also wonder if I have mine whole thing connected correctly. Should moving the joystick up and down move the boom up and down or curl the bucket?
I probably didn't explain that well. The series route is entirely internal, you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at it. If you buy a valve, you will definitely need the power beyond plug.

Regen: I added a section to my valve to get third function. It was a plain vanilla section, no regen. After adding it, I put the bucket hoses on it to test its function. The bucket dumped about half as fast, it was very noticable.

Normally, moving the stick fore-aft controls the boom and side-to-side controls the bucket.


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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
I'm fairly certain that mine is plumped like you mentioned above with the power beyond because I have 4 hoses going to the loader which I assume are 2 for each direction on the loader then 3 going into the valve from the tractor which I assume are in out and power beyond. I think with the linked valve above I would need to purchase the optional power beyond adaptor here.

I assume I will probably really want to float function but it seems like Regen is sort of a nice to have but not really super useful.
I also wonder if I have mine whole thing connected correctly. Should moving the joystick up and down move the boom up and down or curl the bucket?
Yes you will want float on the boom.

Regen on dump is a nice " luxury".

A series boom spool does not reduce lift. If the bucket and boom are both active the loads are additive in both types of circuit. The difference is series assures the boom and bucket move in synch. In a parallel valve the lower load will get priority and the higher load will stall until the other completes or the loads balance.

I have a B7200 with B1630 loader. It is a parallel valve with float but no regen. It operates just fine. My l3901 with series boom and regen is a little smoother. After using both if I had to choose between regen and series I would choose series. Given the vintage I doubt your old valve had a series spool

The perfect solution eould be the Brand valve with regen. Unfortunately Surplus Center does not sell it with the handle option you need. The Brand valve without regen does have the handle option you need.

Given your situation I would order either the Brand valve without regen or the Summit valve with the float option. You would also need to purchase the power beyond sleeve for which evet vslve you choose.

If you absolutely must have regen keep what you have and use it as is. If it leaks or sticks drop $300 on parts.



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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
So the valve on my loader is mounted basically flat at a 45 degree angle. How do I determine if the valve will work in this configuration?
The Bramd valve valve can be made to work with a little fabrication. I actually have one that I bought to go on my B1630 loader which is just like your loader. The Brand valve mounts like this. You would need to modify the base plate on your loader to mount the valve on edge and then reconnect the hoses to match the new orientation. You can field modify the handles to flip it 180 right if that works better.



New member

B2400 with FEL and Belly Mower, G4200 with Mower Deck
Aug 14, 2023
Eastern Iowa
Can the Summit Valve be mounted like my current setup or does it need to be on the edge as well? How would I tell?


Well-known member
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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
Can the Summit Valve be mounted like my current setup or does it need to be on the edge as well? How would I tell?
The Summit valve mounts ports up just like the OEM vslve. It's about as close to a drop in replacement as it can get. You will have to chuck the OEM handle and linkages.



New member

B2400 with FEL and Belly Mower, G4200 with Mower Deck
Aug 14, 2023
Eastern Iowa
Alright well I have ordered the Summit Valve with the float feature and the power beyond adapter. The valve is on back order so we will see how that goes. Should I wait to change the valve out before I do a hydro fluid change?


Well-known member
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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
Alright well I have ordered the Summit Valve with the float feature and the power beyond adapter. The valve is on back order so we will see how that goes. Should I wait to change the valve out before I do a hydro fluid change?
Change the fluid before you put tje new valve on.



New member

B2400 with FEL and Belly Mower, G4200 with Mower Deck
Aug 14, 2023
Eastern Iowa
Well it sounds like the valve from Summit is on backorder till the end of November. Probably worth looking at other options.

Are either of these decent valves? Can either be mounted at a 45 degree angle wide side down like my current valve?


Well-known member
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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
Well it sounds like the valve from Summit is on backorder till the end of November. Probably worth looking at other options.

Are either of these decent valves? Can either be mounted at a 45 degree angle wide side down like my current valve?
Either of those vslves would work fine.

The Chief valve is the exact same valve as the Summit valve although possibly/likely from a different manufacturer.

The Prince valve is their Wolverine line. I have installed several of them and have a single spool on the shelf right now.



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B2400, lA352 loader,3pth quick hitch/z122r zero turn/restored 52 farmall super a
Dec 23, 2020
Nazareth Pa
Change the fluid before you put tje new valve on.

Either of those vslves would work fine.

The Chief valve is the exact same valve as the Summit valve although possibly/likely from a different manufacturer.

The Prince valve is their Wolverine line. I have installed several of them and have a single spool on the shelf right now.

Brand hydraulics is very good to deal with. Talk to their tech department, tell them what you are looking for and they will tell you what part number you need and where you can but it.
Can't buy directly from them


Well-known member
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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
Brand hydraulics is very good to deal with. Talk to their tech department, tell them what you are looking for and they will tell you what part number you need and where you can but it.
Can't buy directly from them
No need to call Brand:

Loader valve with float
$308 from Surplus Center

Loader valve with float and regen
$575 from Motion Industries


New member

B2400 with FEL and Belly Mower, G4200 with Mower Deck
Aug 14, 2023
Eastern Iowa
Looks like the Chief and the Princess are the same price when I buy the power beyond conversion for either unit. Any opinion on which is better or does it not matter. Sorry to keep bugging you all but thanks for the help.


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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
Looks like the Chief and the Princess are the same price when I buy the power beyond conversion for either unit. Any opinion on which is better or does it not matter. Sorry to keep bugging you all but thanks for the help.
I would guess the valves are coming from different manufacturers.

"Chief" is a house brand Bailey Hydraulics uses for components they source and import.

Likewise Princess Auto is sourcing and importing their valve.

The valves originated in Europe (Badesnost) and have been cloned by lots of pther OEMs most recently in Taiwan and mainland China. Vecor for example is a mainland China knockoff. So it comes down to what importer do you trust most.

Bailey has a pretty good reputation for quality and all else equal I would go with them.

My first choice for P40 valves is Magister because they are up front about their source - Badestnost. Unfortunately they do not sell the joystick loader valve....
