Personally I don't think it would be worth it to me. While yes, a new tractor with a loader is considerably more expensive and this one has low hours, that pin on bucket just isn't worth the headache. An adapter to ssqa isn't cheap, nor is a replacement bucket. Plus if you were to pay someone to do the install, you probably are going to be a few grand deep. That will put you pretty close to 20k.
Looking on tractor house at dealers in my area, theres a few 2022 models still floating around new at 21k. 2023 models start around 22k. There actually is a 2021 with low hours but does have a ssqa loader at 19k.
For a few grand more you are at a brand new tractor. 0 hours, zero unknowns. You get r14 tires instead of r4s, a grill guard which that tractor is lacking and I wouldn't want to go without, and an ssqa loader. I'm not sure if you are looking to finance or not, but if you are then you are much better of buying new. Zero interest plus credits towards attachments.