Land leveler is fine if you have several inches of 3/4" minus compacted. Not worth it if you have the road base showing thru.
There is nothing on top of the base yet, so I'd be leveling the 4in crusher run base.
I can't believe the frost is GONE in Maine already.....
Hopefully your driveway is 16' wide and yes a ROLLER is really needed to pack a base down.
2nd choice is a forklift with 5000# of steel on it.....
'base' should be 2' below grade, compacted every 4-6" of material,big on the bottom, smaller at the top.
Frost isn't gone yet, but for the past few weeks it has been warm enough during the day that the top couple inches thaw and the water has nowhere to drain. It's extra-messy this year. Now we're getting a foot of snow on top of half-frozen ground so that should be fun to deal with.
Why 16ft wide? For the construction vehicles? The cleared area is definitely wider than 16ft, but the actual road surface may only be 14ft in a couple places.
The excavator made the classic mistake of thinking his 55,000lb excavator would pack the driveway down because he doesn't understand contact pressure I guess. There is a lot more than 4-6" of material in most places, but I may try to rent a roller before I put any additional layers on.
If I was you, I'd just smooth it out with the grader scraper to fill the ruts and wait for the fines after the construction people are done. In my experience, they don't tend to baby driveways.
It would be great to have a roller, but a good sized tractor with loaded R4 tires does a pretty good job at packing on my driveway or the community road.
Does my L3240 count as "good sized"? It has loaded R4 tires at least.
If you asking if you can level 4" with a land Plane, Nope won't do it.
you'll just beat the snot out of it and you might even break something.
Just add more 4" and blade and roll.
Did they put down cloth?
They did put down cloth. My land plane is brand new, I really don't want to break anything, which is half of why I asked here.
I don't understand why you think a land plane won't work to level. The blades just push the rock from right to left, and the rock drops in the rut(s). No finesse is required.
Of course, if he added more 4", it still needs to be leveled. What would you propose for that? Or, maybe you think he'll pay someone to level it. If that is the case, that same person could level the existing rock.
I bought the land plane so I can stop paying people to build the driveway. I'll probably rent a box blade for a couple weekends when it is time to add the next layers of gravel, but otherwise I'm hoping to do everything else with the land plane.
My fear is that the 4in rocks are so big and compacted in that they would break/bend something. Or that the land plane won't go deep enough and I'll just have 4in boulders sitting on top of the sand or something when I'm done.