new mods


New member

B2601 with FEL and BH70
Nov 22, 2022
Sayward BC Vancouver Island
I have only owned the machine for 6 months, but have made several mods. No pics as I don't live in cell coverage and getting the camera out and uploading is a pain. I love this tractor.

The best mod is the bracket I welded up to fit the HS pedal. When operating the hoe the machine was easy enough to sway side to side, but dodgy to push back or pull ahead to re-position. It can also be scary to move side to side. With the bolted on bracket the pedal always works the same, but when I am using the hoe I simply screw on a vertical attachment made of ready rod with a pvc pipe sleeve to raise it up within easy reach. There is a steering wheel knob to hold on to. When I need to move the machine I simply lean back with my left arm and drive the machine using the hand control. In low range there are no surprises, plus I hold onto the ROPS with my right arm. When I steer I have to let go of the drive pedal to move the wheel, but that stops screw ups from happening. This saves climbing down and turning the seat around, re-positioning, and then doing it all over again. I build lots and lots of trails and this mod is a game changer for me. I can pick up a large stone with the hydraulic thumb, and drive it to where I want to put it. Or just move the machine as I progress on whatever chore.

Plus, made up front and rear LED light bracket for plowing snow at night, and today installing a horn....just for fun.
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Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion

I hope that you can supply some photos, it might help a number of us. You mentioned "hydraulic thumb", is that something that you built or is one available in BC?


Well-known member

M7060, Ford 5600, can-am defender
Nov 17, 2021
Ontario Canada
Pics are gonna go along way. Not hard to add just take some photos with your phone and add them to your post. If you got internet to post then you can add pics.
from your post I have no clue what it is you modified.


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Pics are gonna go along way. Not hard to add just take some photos with your phone and add them to your post. If you got internet to post then you can add pics.
from your post I have no clue what it is you modified.
Same here:
The OP written description is basically not helpful.
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Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
Pics are gonna go along way. I have no clue what it is you modified.
He obviously made an extension that fastens to the forward and reverse foot pedals so that they can be operated by hand while seated in the backhoe position. I know that this has been done before, but I would like to see a modification that works well.

Hydraulic thumbs for the BH70 were not available, only mechanical. Maybe that is an option on export models, or he made his own.


New member

B2601 with FEL and BH70
Nov 22, 2022
Sayward BC Vancouver Island

I hope that you can supply some photos, it might help a number of us. You mentioned "hydraulic thumb", is that something that you built or is one available in BC?

I will send some pics. As I mentioned I do not own a smart phone as we have no cell coverage here. (Thank God. Although I am going to have to break down and get one before too much longer.) In a few days my wife will return from down Island with her camera and I'll take some pictures for you guys. The hydraulic thumb was an installation from the Dealer (upon request) and it was the best money I ever spent. Apparently they build quite a few of them, but the stock offering is a mechanical jobby.. Pretty simple to use by operating a third function button set on the hoe control so you can curl and squeeze at the same time. I build a lot of trails and use the hoe to lift big wood chunks as I also cut our fire wood from old growth logging cull.

Give me a few days for the pics. Cheers.

By the way, this tractor changed my life it has had that much of an impact on our work load. I use the pallet forks to move logs, as long as the chunks weigh less than 1,000lbs. This year I hit 67 and can no longer work like 37. Last winter we had 4' of snow in about 1 week, which never ever happens, and I said no more. I had an old Belarus piece of crap that just couldn't do it. I ordered in the 2601 that week, by email. :) Oh yeah, I also welded up some edge tamers for snow removal....just in case. Tried it on an early snowfall and that worked well. I had to renovate a rental and I could run the pallet forks right up to the front door to move all the appliances out into the carport in order to install a new floor.

I bought the 2601 instead of an L model because it is small enough to use on our trails, but strong enough to do the work. I also wanted the extra PTO in case I needed a snow blower down the road if our climate continues to shift to colder winters here. We have 16 acres to keep us busy.

Photos coming by this weekend. Note stuck to the laptop. :)
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Well-known member

Lots incl. B and L kubotas
Dec 2, 2019
it sure sucks having to get on/off to move forward say when digging a trench or reposition when stumping.

What I do is when I want to move a couple or three feet I shift the hst into neutral and use the boom/digger to move fwd/reverse amount I want. When out of gear its easy to roll fwd/back but like all things take care so not to have a runaway.

I also swing rear wheels left/right by lifting rear end off the ground but this takes a lot of practice to be safe by keeping lift very low and back end flat. I have cringed many many times seeing people make this move when lifting too high and even worse not keeping the unit parallel to the ground.

Cheers the 2601 is a really nice machine.


New member

B2601 with FEL and BH70
Nov 22, 2022
Sayward BC Vancouver Island
He obviously made an extension that fastens to the forward and reverse foot pedals so that they can be operated by hand while seated in the backhoe position. I know that this has been done before, but I would like to see a modification that works well.

Hydraulic thumbs for the BH70 were not available, only mechanical. Maybe that is an option on export models, or he made his own.
See my reply on thumb just below. It wasn't cheap, but by the time I bought all the parts etc I probably would have only saved about $1500 by building my own. The guys at North Island Tractor had all the bugs worked out and of course it looks right out of the factory great.

Yes, I welded up a small bracket that uses the same bolts on the pedal. The ready rod extension has to be short as there was not enough clearance between the dash and rear frame for full travel, but I solved this by sliding a piece of 3/4" electrical PVC over the rod when in use and there is just enough flexibility so it bends around the clearance problem. I bolted a steering knob on the top of the PVC. Pics will explain and I will send them on in 2-3 days. Honest. I'll also provide measurement details as well if anyone is interested in building one. I thought about making a kind of shoe that fits over the pedal, but the bracket has clearance to just keep on all of the time and is below the level of my boot when running the pedal. The material is not critical or overly specified as I always just adjust my plans to the material I have at home as I live 50 miles from town. I made the bracket from leftover channel off a table saw dolly/base.

Another problem I am working on this winter is a better carrying system for my chains that are used on the bucket hooks. My friend has a big 580 Case and has some neat storage lockers just big enough to carry chains and shackles. The 2601 has nothing like that beyond a tinny ROPS case I use for a first aid kit. So, I bought a 50mm ammo case and that fits perfectly in the foot rest area of the backhoe, but you have to move the case every time to use the hoe. After leaving the chains at the job site a few times I plan to figure something out. I could fab up a case on the right side of the step where the FEL control is located, but then that would restrict me to always using the left side of the tractor to mount and dismount. Once in a blue moon I have to use the right side.

Thank you for your interest and comments and I will certainly send pictures before the weekend. As a life time carpenter I live to build and find making stuff for the tractor is as fun as running it. In fact I converted a wood shed to a tractor barn before it was even delivered. Take care.
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Lifetime Member

Jun 27, 2019
Canton, Georgia
Can’t wait for pictures.

As for the chain holders, have you looked into a grill guard, for that grapple you will be buying soon?! Lol. Seriously, you need a grapple. I have a lown performance on my MX with a chain box. Very handy and is right there near the bucket. I’m sure other manufacturers make something similar.
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New member

B2601 with FEL and BH70
Nov 22, 2022
Sayward BC Vancouver Island
Can’t wait for pictures.

As for the chain holders, have you looked into a grill guard, for that grapple you will be buying soon?! Lol. Seriously, you need a grapple. I have a lown performance on my MX with a chain box. Very handy and is right there near the bucket. I’m sure other manufacturers make something similar.
View attachment 91073 View attachment 91074
Nice guard. I did get the expanded metal out to make one but don't think I need it yet.



Kubota L4701
Apr 13, 2021
Gaston, SC
Can’t wait for pictures.

As for the chain holders, have you looked into a grill guard, for that grapple you will be buying soon?! Lol. Seriously, you need a grapple. I have a lown performance on my MX with a chain box. Very handy and is right there near the bucket. I’m sure other manufacturers make something similar.
View attachment 91073 View attachment 91074
Looking good Matt!!!!
For those who may be interested, we are also running our Black Friday Sale until next Wednesday the 30th! I'm happy to provide details to anyone interested. Sale is by promotion code only, these were sent out on our email subscription and they are also posted to our Facebook and google page

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top gnome

Active member

b2301 w bh fel grapple back blade snow plow forks
Dec 12, 2021
Fundy shore nova scotia
I will send some pics. As I mentioned I do not own a smart phone as we have no cell coverage here. (Thank God. Although I am going to have to break down and get one before too much longer.) In a few days my wife will return from down Island with her camera and I'll take some pictures for you guys. The hydraulic thumb was an installation from the Dealer (upon request) and it was the best money I ever spent. Apparently they build quite a few of them, but the stock offering is a mechanical jobby.. Pretty simple to use by operating a third function button set on the hoe control so you can curl and squeeze at the same time. I build a lot of trails and use the hoe to lift big wood chunks as I also cut our fire wood from old growth logging cull.

Give me a few days for the pics. Cheers.

By the way, this tractor changed my life it has had that much of an impact on our work load. I use the pallet forks to move logs, as long as the chunks weigh less than 1,000lbs. This year I hit 67 and can no longer work like 37. Last winter we had 4' of snow in about 1 week, which never ever happens, and I said no more. I had an old Belarus piece of crap that just couldn't do it. I ordered in the 2601 that week, by email. :) Oh yeah, I also welded up some edge tamers for snow removal....just in case. Tried it on an early snowfall and that worked well. I had to renovate a rental and I could run the pallet forks right up to the front door to move all the appliances out into the carport in order to install a new floor.

I bought the 2601 instead of an L model because it is small enough to use on our trails, but strong enough to do the work. I also wanted the extra PTO in case I needed a snow blower down the road if our climate continues to shift to colder winters here. We have 16 acres to keep us busy.

Photos coming by this weekend. Note stuck to the laptop. :)
Welcome Paul

I also traded a old tractor 1956 farmall for a b2301 and it is a game changer we have 17 acres and have put in trails and built a couple of buildings using lumber from a big blowdown. I now have 100 hours on the tractor. The amount of work it can do without needing hours of repairs before the work can be started is amazing.


New member

B2601 with FEL and BH70
Nov 22, 2022
Sayward BC Vancouver Island
Okay some pics with handle in use position, forward and back. Plus a horrn I put on for fun using the leads on the work light recep. That bracket is made out of 1/4 plexi scrap, so you can heat and bend it to shape using a plumbers torch. If you sand it up it takes the spray paint just fine, and never have to worry about rust or shorts.



New member

B2601 with FEL and BH70
Nov 22, 2022
Sayward BC Vancouver Island
A few other mods.

I hope you guys enjoyed the pegs and info. I just use what I have around to make stuff. My welder is a small ac/dc stick and I can also do gas welding/cutting/etc. When I retired I signed up for a 7 month welding course at a local college which is basically just a pre-apprentice course to get you into the trade and start learning. Hilarious. I was 57 in class with 18 year olds and some highly skilled welders doing upgrades. The instructor was a friend and I learned enough to know it is a young mans game. I have no illusions about my fabrication and welding ability, but as a 45 year carpenter (off and on) many of the same skills are transferable for fit and finish. The 2601 has lots of pre drilled holes on the ROPS, fenders, frame etc to use and I just design around what Kubota has provided.

This tractor is fun, and I cannot believe the power and ability to work for its size and hp. Sure, the pedal is stiff and the seat could be more comfortable but who cares? I used the backhoe this summer to build a berm to keep my fields from flooding. Awesome...dry fields in November. It moves a lot of material. When I run into boulders I set them aside to use on the river bank instead of buying rip rap and paying for trucking. Very very satisfied with the machine and the Dealer I used. Not one complaint.

Cheers....Paul S



Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
Regarding 2601 Mods.

Okay...have some pics alongside a tape measure for sizes, etc. Will try to send as attachments off my desktop...should work okay. Will send them in sets of three in different replies with short descriptions.
Thanks for the photos, I will put some of those ideas to good use.

You mentioned the stiff pedal, did you remove or replace any springs to reduce the stiffness? Many on here did just that, in your case the hand lever probably won't allow quite as much reduction of spring.

I haven't plowed snow yet but I can see edge tamers in my future.