I have only owned the machine for 6 months, but have made several mods. No pics as I don't live in cell coverage and getting the camera out and uploading is a pain. I love this tractor.
The best mod is the bracket I welded up to fit the HS pedal. When operating the hoe the machine was easy enough to sway side to side, but dodgy to push back or pull ahead to re-position. It can also be scary to move side to side. With the bolted on bracket the pedal always works the same, but when I am using the hoe I simply screw on a vertical attachment made of ready rod with a pvc pipe sleeve to raise it up within easy reach. There is a steering wheel knob to hold on to. When I need to move the machine I simply lean back with my left arm and drive the machine using the hand control. In low range there are no surprises, plus I hold onto the ROPS with my right arm. When I steer I have to let go of the drive pedal to move the wheel, but that stops screw ups from happening. This saves climbing down and turning the seat around, re-positioning, and then doing it all over again. I build lots and lots of trails and this mod is a game changer for me. I can pick up a large stone with the hydraulic thumb, and drive it to where I want to put it. Or just move the machine as I progress on whatever chore.
Plus, made up front and rear LED light bracket for plowing snow at night, and today installing a horn....just for fun.
The best mod is the bracket I welded up to fit the HS pedal. When operating the hoe the machine was easy enough to sway side to side, but dodgy to push back or pull ahead to re-position. It can also be scary to move side to side. With the bolted on bracket the pedal always works the same, but when I am using the hoe I simply screw on a vertical attachment made of ready rod with a pvc pipe sleeve to raise it up within easy reach. There is a steering wheel knob to hold on to. When I need to move the machine I simply lean back with my left arm and drive the machine using the hand control. In low range there are no surprises, plus I hold onto the ROPS with my right arm. When I steer I have to let go of the drive pedal to move the wheel, but that stops screw ups from happening. This saves climbing down and turning the seat around, re-positioning, and then doing it all over again. I build lots and lots of trails and this mod is a game changer for me. I can pick up a large stone with the hydraulic thumb, and drive it to where I want to put it. Or just move the machine as I progress on whatever chore.
Plus, made up front and rear LED light bracket for plowing snow at night, and today installing a horn....just for fun.