A word of caution regarding parts compatabilty & interchanging between B series trac


Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
A word of caution regarding parts compatabilty & interchanging between B series trac

hello all,
I thought it may be wise to mention to you all what i have found on the subject of parts interchanging and compatability etc between older "B " series tractors.
As i am currently totally rebuilding my B7100DP certain areas do need repair or attention, one such area is the transmission.
As my project progresses i have discovered that the output shafts from the transmission to the engine and the front axle are very worn, moreso the spines are totally worn down, when i checked the UJ on the shaft to the front axle it was allmost hanging off becuase of the worn splines.

Anway, the new cost of these two shaft is alot of money, probably excessive to be honest,so, after reading alot of articles regarding the B7100 and how the JDM version is the B7001 and that they are the same tractor, my conclusion is that they are not.
I recently purchased a B7001 rear axle/gearbox shafts etc, along with front axle and chassis parts, all were complete in one tractor.
It has had litle use and all parts showed very little wear and tear, ideal for parts i thought, I was wrong on their.......
At first put both roling chassis next to each other, yes they look the same, and external shafts etc look the same, but when you really start looking so many parts are different, even the transmission /axle casting are different to the B7100 items.
Some are just mods which show up in the parts listings for the B7100 but as parts listing for JDM versions are rare to find outside japan , there is no easy way of comapring part numbers etc otherthan by comparing parts side by side, and getting the micrometer etc out.

I had planned on stripping out the transmssion parts and from the 7001 to replace the worn parts in my 7100 the major probelm now is that they are very different, PTO shaft is shorter and the assosiated shafts/bearings etc and backplate are differnt and wont retro fit without issues.
the gears are differnt ratios, also the b7100 has a oneway clutch assembly on the pto drive shaft, the 7001 does not and retro fitting wont work as it would require using parts thats dont fit my 7100 shafts etc.
All in all the my plan has hit a brick wall with this problem, rear axle does look to be right , well from a visible check, other parts non transmission are the same except for the bellhousing, on the b7100 there is a plugged inspection hole which can be used to view timming marks on flywheel, b7001 does not have the hole at all.
Also the castings of the rear axle, gearbox top cover and rear axle/hydlift cover are missing mounting holes and treaded holes in quite a few places.

I suspect i will need to source another good used 7100 for my parts, so if anyone is thinking about buying any JDM version of a tractor , please make sure you know what parts you need and that they are the same on both.
This most certainly is the case for the 5001,6001,7001 as the transmission area etc are not the same as the 5100,6100,7100 and you will be struggling to say the least to interchange parts, same applies to early 7100 hst version also.

anyway , good luck .



New member

Kubota MX5100
Jan 14, 2012
Hurricane, WV
Re: A word of caution regarding parts compatabilty & interchanging between B series t

If I may ask, what is a JDM version of a tractor? I am guessing that is kind of like a gray market machine? Thanks


New member

B7100dt and b6001
Feb 17, 2009
Northwoods, WI
You are right on the money and I've been saying this for a while. I have a b6001 and while some of the parts are the same as a b6100, many are not. In fact I've ended up using a lot of b6000 parts on mine. Sorry about your frustration, but that misinformation seems to be a common place in these forums and a frustration for many of us.

I do appreciate all the help I've had from members and my local kubota dealer in figuring this out. Still great tractors, you just have to be careful about which parts you order.

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