Well, a gremlin has taken up residence in my backhoe assy. After having the swing cylinder repacked and replaced, the right stabilizer cylinder decided to leak. R&R on that one was fairly easy after the swing cylinder debacle. Then the digger cylinder decided to leak. Again a fairly simple R&R exercise.
After everything was done, I tested the system. Boom worked, arm worked, digger worked (although a little slower when dumping), boom swung right with no problem but when swinging left, it would only go about 30 degrees from neutral. If I power down the tractor, I can manually force the boom all the way over to the left. Then, with the tractor running, I could bring the boom to neutral, but it would still not go full left under hydraulic power.
I'm thinking that a seal in the cylinder is rolling and preventing the piston from going to full stop? Not looking forward to removing the cylinder and all that entails. May consider repairing it in place, if I can get a sizeable wrench in there to get the end cap off. Otherwise it's a full disassembly of all of the hoses and control valve assy. again.
Any thoughts?