bought this thing several years ago, now getting back to it.
hydro stat will move all three gears but has lack of power, commonly if going up a slight hill in low, will nearly stall out the tractor. When this happens lots of smoke. have changed oil, filters, hydraulic fluids, checked for muffler blockage. does start really hard in cold if at all. Been thinking about checking injectors first.
Hydraulics seem to work well. but when engaging drive and working hydraulics it's too much for the little guy. it acts like something on the hydro transmission is lugging it down when it shouldn't be.
hydro stat will move all three gears but has lack of power, commonly if going up a slight hill in low, will nearly stall out the tractor. When this happens lots of smoke. have changed oil, filters, hydraulic fluids, checked for muffler blockage. does start really hard in cold if at all. Been thinking about checking injectors first.
Hydraulics seem to work well. but when engaging drive and working hydraulics it's too much for the little guy. it acts like something on the hydro transmission is lugging it down when it shouldn't be.