Thanks JohnDB. I found the attached and it is showing .009" for both, if I am reading that correctly...? I may call the dealer and see what they have.
View attachment 87392
You are welcome, and good idea to ask a dealer
The specs I have for the PC (IDI) version of this engine say this:
Which is pretty close to the 0.009" I'm always inclined to use the metric specs, since they are probably the base/source info from the factory and then some woeful underling has been sentenced to the boring task of converting to archaic. I've never found a feeler gauge set that measures to 0.0001" precision.
Totally off topic, did you read that a British Minister, not content with chopping off British noses to get out of the EU, is advocating that they go even further, take the great leap backwards and revert to imperial dimensions? Stunning