Truth isn't easy to find these days


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Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
hey iv'e had it 3 times so it IS real

the first time i had some fever but it didn't stop me, the employer and the overreactions of our leaders did. Made me stay home for 10 days! Over it in 2 days, so I got a lot of fishing in. 7 total days, 8 hours a day. I can't ever recall getting a tan like that-EVER. But I also filled the freezer.

second time didn't even know I had it, changed jobs and they wanted me to get drug test. No big deal because I'm clean and have been for my entire life but you know...boss stuff. Anyway part of anything at that time, was you had to have a covid test. So I got it and it came back positive. I mean, I really had no symptoms. Maybe a slight bit of chest congestion but it was allergy season so....

last time I had a mild headache for about 24 hours and that was it. 2 positive tests. Boss didn't force any vacation, but I was able to work in the home shop. That was kinda cool, didn't have to burn a bunch of diesel to drive to work. They just brought a few golf carts to me to work on. Electric of course...I hate electric carts. But that's the job, and that's what customers pay me to do, so I do it.

Talked to doc this past Monday on my normal appointment and asked him if I should get the vax. He says have less chance of getting it now than people who are vaccinated and have never had the virus.

Oh and one last note. GF's daddy was a litle sick last week. Went to dr and they said you have all the symptoms of covid but no positive test after multiple testing times. Got better in a couple days. Got bad sick today. Real bad. He's in the hospital. Can't breathe, cold skin, chills, feels like poopie, chest congestion/fluid, etc. Girlfriend is scared to death because they lost her mom not too long ago and now this. I just got the call. He ain't got covid. Great! But he's got Pneumonia. At 76, it's concerning. He's very very sick right now. They have him on medication but it'll be a while before it's known if it's gonna work.

Mind you, he is a retired infectious disease doctor.

So covid, might not get you but there's other stuff out there that can.

Also "we" might rely on science to find treatments but "we" also have the knowledge to make things that can destroy ourselves as a society. And therein lies a stress point. Those that have the knowledge may not have the greatest intentions of how to use it-and that has been something that's been in the back of my mind since about 2019....
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MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
Kudos for a very simple life, to just blindly "follow the science", and "medical professionals".
I have published in scientific journals and understand how science works. All journals require blind peer review before papers can be published. Very rigorous scrutiny of study results is the norm. It sounds as if the “science thing” is beyond your understanding.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
You may have published in scientific journals and understand how science works, however when adverse event reports were being submitted for this pandemic's cure there were no blind peer reviews prior to being injected to tell how safe and secure the recipient would be. It was a crap shoot any way you measure it.

Your belittling of a poster only makes you less trustworthy.
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Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I have published in scientific journals and understand how science works. All journals require blind peer review before papers can be published. Very rigorous scrutiny of study results is the norm. It sounds as if the “science thing” is beyond your understanding.
Of are 100% correct! :ROFLMAO:
Nice job blowing your own horn too!
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