I appreciate your reply. Where do you think the tooth bar should be priced. Remember, the tooth bar package is quite heavy for shipping purposes.
I don't see anything wrong with your price, it is the shipping that kills the deal for me. If I am only going to save $24, and the shipping is the same as the factory, then I would rather buy one from the factory. It is a great deal for someone local that can pick it up and save the freight. Knowing how freight impacts products, I can clearly see it costing as much or more than $75 to ship. A local person will be saving $100 by picking it up. If I lived near you I would jump on it. If you offered free shipping then it would have sold already. I doubt that you would want to suffer that expense. I suggest that you list it on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, which is free and local people will see the ad. If you need the exact measurement take a ride to your local Kubota dealer and measure a BX23S bucket. They are all the same width on the inside.
As I tell my friends that buy a car on the left coast and pay $3000 to have it shipped east, that doesn't increase the value of the car, just adds to the expense of the purchase. That $3000 is rarely ever returned on the sale of the car.