Your sons truck is of note in this picture. Tractor is not normally parked there and she is very careful near the sons truck.
I might be on your wife’s side!
I might be on your wife’s side!
I remember you saying this another time. Isn't there a statute of limitations of how long you have to keep giving her the $5? My experience is that most women don't know how to use mirrors or back up cameras, and the back up alarms are just an anoyance to them.#4 Get her to back INTO the garage. That way she can just 'get in and go'.....
grandaughter USED to backup into out driveway from road. Told her it's bad, especilay since we're the hidden driveway on a curve ,inurance won't cover any accidents and.. I'll pay you $5 every time you do back in.
She made 100s off me...
That's waaay beyond the realm of, "it just happens". That's solidly in, "you are such a complete idiot you should not be trusted with a driver licence" territory.Sometimes it just happens