I think I remember that! I wondered what happened with it, the media reported on it initially and that was IT. So "they" reported that the animal was shot by someone, and the interviews all said "it was a sweet dog", stuff you always year. Thx for posting...now I know [in Paul Harvey's voice] the rest of the story. The judge's actions don't surprise me much.
the other side effect is that if one is searching for homeowner's insurance, they'll sometimes not even insure you if you have certain breeds. My brother found that out....as did my "neighbor", pit. They found out that the insurance company sends people out to do inspections, and you might or might not be outside or even home. "Neighbor" kept his pit outside on a chain, insurance agent called one day and said "you have a potentially vicious breed", and they dropped him. Out of the blue! He had to get new insurance which was a pain in the neck, and even then they made him get rid of the animal. In a way I'm kinda glad because the neighborhood is full of young kids, and often walk from house to house and sometimes not on the road, more frequently though yards. Having been involved in a dog attack, I can tell you firsthand that it ain't no fun. All it takes is ONCE. People often don't think about that stuff. "They're so sweet" until that one time, and it ain't gotta be a pit. In my case, an ACD (we call them heelers, red, blue or whatever). Ripped part of my scalp off, and my left ear when I was young. Thankfully I don't remember it (had an accident years after where I lost a lot of memory).