You will be surprised the beating the Rhino will take without damage! So my tractor will fit in the garage and I dont have to remove the Rhino everytime this is what I did. Tilt the rops back all the way, now the Rhino is pointed to the sky. Pull the pins and drop it to level, drilled extra hole for pins and walla. Top is lowered, still horizontal and could be used folded down if you wish. I dont use it like that, but its just for getting in the garage!I just ordered a Rhino Hide for my B2601 and also threw in the extra mounting hardware for reversing it over my backhoe. I ordered it direct from with coupon code GWT for 5% off.
It hasn't arrived yet, but I'll give you my impressions once installed. Looking forward to getting out of the sun, but I also need to trim some low hanging branches before I whack them with the canopy!