I taught many people over the years how to weld. But there was one guy that I worked with who just couldn’t get it. I told him politely to get his eyes checked because it was the only thing I could think of that was causing him to not see the weld puddle. He stubbornly refused and goes down as the only person I couldn’t teach how to weld.
Kinda funny. You knew when he was trying to weld because the guys around him would start clucking like chickens for his chicken looking welds.
But it brings up a point about eyesight and learning to weld. Its everything! If you need cheaters to read you will need them to weld. I have cheater lenses installed inside my helmet that you can get at the LWS. And don’t forget to clean and change out the outer lens when it gets dirty or excessively scratched.
Kinda funny. You knew when he was trying to weld because the guys around him would start clucking like chickens for his chicken looking welds.
But it brings up a point about eyesight and learning to weld. Its everything! If you need cheaters to read you will need them to weld. I have cheater lenses installed inside my helmet that you can get at the LWS. And don’t forget to clean and change out the outer lens when it gets dirty or excessively scratched.