To follow up, today I went from Land Pride box blade to King Kutter carry-all to Land Pride finish mower with the Pats with ease. Owning both I can say there is an initial learning curve with the Pats as there is with the QH15 but I just don't ever see myself going back to a QH15 type quick hitch. And as mentioned before you will have to adjust the top link hook on the QH15 for some Landpride implements even if the implements are quick hitch compatible to get the lower pins to sit flush when you hook up which means get out the BIG WRENCH. Kind of a pain, takes a little time to adjust the QH15 top hook and I would have had to do that today had I been using my QH15. And not even sure if the QH15 will work with my carry-all as I built it on a King Kutter carry-all frame. Might work but not sure as my QH15 has been gathering dust for some time. Nice knowing the Pat's is "plug and play" with any mfg's implements.