I recently bought a used 3-point PTO push behind Land Pride snow blower that I found on Craigslist. Land Pride only offers the push type as far as I can tell. Earlier in the week a friend and his wife stopped by the house to pick me up and head out for dinner and I showed him the snow blower. He was impressed and wants something similar for his L4760 and found an Erskine 3-point PTO pull behind snow blower for a great price and he's asked me what I think about it.
It appears to be a great deal, but other than the obvious difference that to use the push behind you either have to look over your shoulder or use your mirrors (not ideal in a snowstorm) and don't compact the snow under the wheels before trying to blow it away, are there other less obvious differences that makes a pull behind better or worse than a push behind? He has a long and winding gravel driveway.
It appears to be a great deal, but other than the obvious difference that to use the push behind you either have to look over your shoulder or use your mirrors (not ideal in a snowstorm) and don't compact the snow under the wheels before trying to blow it away, are there other less obvious differences that makes a pull behind better or worse than a push behind? He has a long and winding gravel driveway.