Is there a way to “tune” a L4060 into a 4760?


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BX24 & L4760HSTC
Dec 16, 2017
The High Taxes part of lovely NY, USA
I’m about to pull the trigger in tractor, loader and front blower - and like the price of the L4060...
but I’m also a Mustang guy and have seen how much HP you can get out of a stock engine just with a PCM reprogram, or “tune”.

So - that my question. The L4060 and L4760 look like they are exactly the same machines - only difference is you are paying for Kubota to “tune” the engine to a higher level of output on the 4760... (or is there something else I’m missing?)

Is there a way to do that yourself or hire a tuner - like in the car world? Can you buy a 4760 ECU module for your L4060 and make more power?

It sounds like I’m trying to be cheap - and I’m not - I’m just asking if anyone has a more cost effective way to get the HP out of the lower output L4060 without just paying Kubota to flip a switch in the software for you...

Reason I’m asking is rooted in this - I will be trading in a TC45DA with a rear blower and keep getting the impression that the L4060 is “just enough” for the front blower and that the L4760 would be “better”...
(Located in W NY and live in a lake effect snow band with a 1/2 mile driveway and lots of drifts)
Thanks in advance!
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BX23S, 60" MMM
Nov 5, 2014
New York
I know on older machines you could turn up the fuel a bit and squeeze some more PTO HP. I dont know if thats true with modern Kubotas. DPF systems likely would negate it, as youd only clog it up faster.

My advice to most buyers is, size machine for current implements or future ones.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
No you cannot just tune it up to a bigger model tractor.
Yes it could possibly be done if the Programming language was available, but its not.
I know of one "Tune Shop" that was offering to upgrade the ECM and bypass the Emissions, but they have since been shut down by the EPA for tampering and fraud.
Others have been saying they can do it, but I've yet to come across any concrete proof that it can be done, so step wisely.

FYI: If you were to do it your warranty would be worthless. ;)
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Just remember,, you can tune a piano, but you cant tuna fish
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1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
"I am not being cheap, just cost effective". I love that! Reminds me of myself...

As mentioned, the newer machines are just too complex to bump them without the proper tuner. Plus, you can't mess with the ECU without a service department knowing as soon as they hook up to it.

Used to be a guy could pick up or renew a few ponies with a flat blade screwdriver.


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Actually the 4060 and 4760 differ a lot in frame specs so it will take a bigger loader, bigger box blade etc. So unless you want to race your bota, the extra ponies might just warp some stuff.


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
TM is another company that violates the laws and mfrs warranties by altering/removing various parts of he engine(DPF/SCR/etc...)
yes it can be done, yes those changes to the 'computer ' ARE recorded,yes, you're in a heap of trouble if/when you get caught though the odds are you won't (small fish - big ocean),yes, you can do it reporgram all you need is a PC, a USB<>CAN module and some 'code' off the net.


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Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
I have a tuned Mustang as well. Tuning seems to be far more common for them. :D
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LX2610SU 60" Bucket Land Pride54" Box Blade Farm King 4572 Rear Blade
May 18, 2020
Manitoba, Canada
TM is another company that violates the laws and mfrs warranties by altering/removing various parts of he engine(DPF/SCR/etc...)
yes it can be done, yes those changes to the 'computer ' ARE recorded,yes, you're in a heap of trouble if/when you get caught though the odds are you won't (small fish - big ocean),yes, you can do it reporgram all you need is a PC, a USB<>CAN module and some 'code' off the net.
So, how does one get "caught"? Are there EPA farm tractor police that run around looking into peoples properties with binoculars from the road?? I'm sure people understand the repercussions or they wouldn't be enquiring.
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
two easy ways...

1 ) take tractor to Kubota for servicing......
2) brag about it on the internet (social media, forums ,etc.)
3) tell/show neighbours what you've done, then 'upset' one of them....oopsy
The 'EPA farm tractor police' don't need to see it, just 'hear' about you bragging..then they can come aknockin on your door. As seen on TV, 'North wood Law', the wardens look at social media all the time for guys bragging about killing deer, postin pix of them and the deer.....

I'm sure there's more ways...


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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
With all the crap you’d have to definitely put up with: not being able to ever get a dealer to do ANYTHING on it, difficult to impossible to sell, keeping it secret, warranty gone. And potential crap you’d have to deal with: downstream components breaking from being overloaded, legal problems, fines, attorney fees, cost of returning to stock or scrapping the machine, DEF issues, software issues (which the A/M supplier is unlikely to fix even if they’re still around and Kubota sure ain’t fixing). All that considered seems like it would be much better and cheaper long run to sell or trade the existing tractor and buy a bigger one.
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
The EPA in the USA dictate what can/cannot be done to equipment on that side of the 49th.
Here in Ontario we used to have biyearly emission tests for cars...don't pass, NO tag for car.
Heck there's a city bylaw in Hamilton that you MUST shut off your vehicle..'antiidling law', though I dobt anyone's got a ticket.

Anyone who pulled them plastic caps off carbs on lawnmower engines (to get them to right RIGHT !), is in violation of 'tampering' with the engine...federal offence...... (mine fell off while cutting grass...)


Well-known member

Oct 21, 2017
The EPA in the USA dictate what can/cannot be done to equipment on that side of the 49th.
Here in Ontario we used to have biyearly emission tests for cars...don't pass, NO tag for car.
Heck there's a city bylaw in Hamilton that you MUST shut off your vehicle..'antiidling law', though I dobt anyone's got a ticket.

Anyone who pulled them plastic caps off carbs on lawnmower engines (to get them to right RIGHT !), is in violation of 'tampering' with the engine...federal offence...... (mine fell off while cutting grass...)
Bi yearly emissions tests? Made me remember the diesel emission test where they let your vehicle idle for 15 minutes in the parking lot. If they didn't see smoke you passed the test, $80 please.

The government got smarter and cancelled emissions testing and replaced it with a carbon tax. No need to create or maintain standards.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
and they upped the tag cost......
and new plates are being recalled .....
and in a few weeks we get to elect more/same idiots into office...
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LX2610SU 60" Bucket Land Pride54" Box Blade Farm King 4572 Rear Blade
May 18, 2020
Manitoba, Canada
With all the crap you’d have to definitely put up with: not being able to ever get a dealer to do ANYTHING on it, difficult to impossible to sell, keeping it secret, warranty gone. And potential crap you’d have to deal with: downstream components breaking from being overloaded, legal problems, fines, attorney fees, cost of returning to stock or scrapping the machine, DEF issues, software issues (which the A/M supplier is unlikely to fix even if they’re still around and Kubota sure ain’t fixing). All that considered seems like it would be much better and cheaper long run to sell or trade the existing tractor and buy a bigger one.
Sounds like you've been through the ringer a few times. Are you talking from experience? Not every Tom, Dick and Harry are trying to squeeze horsepower out of a tractor. Sounds like through an ECM change or tune file, it could work. It's not a big epidemic these days. Those who do, I'm sure would understand what they would be losing or getting into with regards to voiding any potential warranties. As someone stated, I'm sure you wouldn't be running around telling everyone and bragging on the internet either. Even if that were the case, that is heresay. I am not saying that I am advocating, but when you start pulling out a long laundry list of what someone "shouldn't" do? I don't think its our business or place, he didn't ask for anyone's opinion for what people thought was wrong. He asked if it was "possible"?
Tractors are not built to break with 5 or 6 more added horsepower, and chances are very good his tractor will run 85% better without the emissions, you mention def issues, well your not going to have an issue with it if its not there, and that's IF he chooses that route.


Well-known member

L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
Sounds like you've been through the ringer a few times. Are you talking from experience? Not every Tom, Dick and Harry are trying to squeeze horsepower out of a tractor. Sounds like through an ECM change or tune file, it could work. It's not a big epidemic these days. Those who do, I'm sure would understand what they would be losing or getting into with regards to voiding any potential warranties. As someone stated, I'm sure you wouldn't be running around telling everyone and bragging on the internet either. Even if that were the case, that is heresay. I am not saying that I am advocating, but when you start pulling out a long laundry list of what someone "shouldn't" do? I don't think its our business or place, he didn't ask for anyone's opinion for what people thought was wrong. He asked if it was "possible"?
Tractors are not built to break with 5 or 6 more added horsepower, and chances are very good his tractor will run 85% better without the emissions, you mention def issues, well your not going to have an issue with it if its not there, and that's IF he chooses that route.
I only have three tractors. If it’s not one of those three, it’s none of my business what anyone does with their tractors or equipment. I fully and completely agree with that, which seems to the crux of your response.

It’s like any other decision. Weigh the definite benefits, definite costs, potential benefits, potential costs, and do what you think best. Personally I do not have direct experience with being put through the wringer by the EPA or having an otherwise valuable piece of equipment rendered useless and valueless by problems with software mods that are no longer supported and can’t by undone by anyone but a dealer who won’t touch it for fear of losing their dealership. I have witnessed several associates go through both those situations with on road and off road equipment, and that was close enough for me. However, if someone wishes to tune, delete, etc. not my business. Being this is a public forum where numerous readers may be considering these sorts of mods, just listing the issues I have seen others actually experience to aid in their decision making process. My initial response wasn’t really aimed at the OP, or anyone specifically, but was, I believe, on topic. The OP, or anyone else, can certainly do as they please without any criticism or condemnation from me.

Edit: And I do recognize while it seems most members here are from the US and Canada, laws vary. That again goes back to the cost/benefit analysis. May be a very different analysis in Australia or Canada or South Africa, etc.
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