This is the second year since I cut in a 1/4 mile+ long bike/walking trail trough the trees that run along the creek that goes through my mountain property (12% grade mostly, hard to tell that in pictures). I knew there would be maintenance, but was surprised to find that even after a record breaking snow fall winter, it was easily handled. Like when I built it, I tag teamed it with the L3301 and the U25. The mini grabs the deadfall with it's thumb, and gets it to where I can either run it through the tractor's PTO mounted chipper (WoodMaxx, excellent value, works like they say) or using the ATV and it's home mdae dump bed trailer run the larger pieces to the burn pile and/or the wood shed (though Quaking Aspen is lousy firewood). The Greenworks 60 volt e chain saw is invaluable during all this, so much easier then constantly starting and stopping a gas saw, not to mention the noise. I can work it hard until lunch time, with no problem, then to the end of the day after a partial recharge while I take a break. These electric saws have come a long way! This trail, while a lot of work even with this equipment, is the greatest thing I have done to my property since the runway (the house and shop are OK.....) and walking or riding it is very soothing for some reason, and the dog of course loves it.
IF I was to sell my 40 acres tomorrow, the last thing I would show the prospective buyer would be the trail......and that would seal the deal, THANKS Kubota!