How many here remember math flash cards? Or reciting the "times tables"?
Flash cards were a fixture in my day. Same with reciting tables.
Flash cards were used in an "Around the World" competition in my primary school math classes. Kind of like musical chairs.
You started at one classmate's chair, and each time a student got the right answer on the flask card first, they advanced to the next chair, to compete with that student.
First to go around the room back to their own chair went "around the world."
I won almost every game grades 2-4, but math was my thing. I could spell very well, but hated Language Arts.
That type of competition wouldn't probably deemed to be appropriate today. Everyone wouldn't get a Certificate of Participation.
The teacher is where the rubber hits the road. My youngest son got the "everyday math" treatment. Odd name for something you will never use again in practice unless you have a pencil and paper and a lot of time on your hands.
View attachment 62861
^^ Everyday Math Example^^^
Fortunately we caught this early and we taught him math.
WTF is that matrix thing?!?!?!
Given what I said above....I still can't figure that out. Granted, math was many, many years ago, but geez....
When our twin daughters were in HS, NYS changed the typical high school Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus progression to Math "A", then "B" was a mess. It was an amalgamation of the first three, but none in a complete fashion.
Our daughters were strong at all subjects (Valedictorian and Salutatorian), but still struggled with that mess.
Advantage of twins; they always had a homework/study partner.
But they sometimes needed help from Dad for math. I was thankfully able to go back to "old school" and at least get them pointed in the right direction.
It lasted just a couple years, and they reverted back by the time our son went through 6 years later.
You won't believe it, but the teachers don't determine the content of curriculum, or how it's taught. At least that's the program in New Yorkistan.
I agree completely that that matrix multiplication "thing" is foreign. I sure as hell didn't try to figure it out...I know an easier way...
Guess that's what's more easily understandable?!?!?!