I was maintaining my trails cutting back trees and brush with my manually operated pole saw in the high heat and humidity earlier this week. There were several times I had to stop, soaked in perspiration wondering if I might die. I have never been 59 years old before and you never know. I don't mind dying but the thought of no-one finding me for a day was a problem. There are squadrons of turkey vultures in the area and the thought of them enjoying my tender eyeballs was too much. Today I bought a Stihl gas powered pole saw. The thing telescopes out to 11 ft. and has 1.9 hp. I bought it this morning and used it for a few hours this afternoon. Amazing. Should have bought one of these years ago. $659. The thin chain slices thru limbs super fast. Powerful and efficient. At 16 lbs its not for sissies. A tremendous time saver and orange to boot. I recommend the Stihl HT 131 highly.