People say often how people have changed- gotten crazier, and more violent.
My father would reply (and I agree wholeheartedly) that people have not changed one bit.
A certain percentage of the population (15-20%) will always prey on others, unless given the incentive not to, or stopped from doing it again.
What has changed is the way we treat criminals, and people who should be in mental institutions.
In the 50s & even into the 60s we left our doors unlocked, keys in our cars, and were completely safe walking out late at night.
Then the liberal culture decided that families should not have to bear the stigma of having a family member in mental institution, so they are released (or not treated at all) as long as they take their meds.
Yeah, that worked out well.
The liberal culture decided that criminals behaved badly because someone said "NO" to them or spanked them as a child. They act out because they were mistreated. So sentences got less & less, plea bargains got more & more common until there is basically no real penalties for committing crimes. Do you realize, that at one point, the average sentence served for premeditated 1st degree murder in this country had dropped below 7 years? Thankfully, that trend is slowly reversing. Do you know where the majority of mass shootings take place? IN GUN FREE ZONES! Another crackpot liberal idea that is working out just fine.
You want to end gun violence?
Make using a gun in a criminal act (including stealing one) an automatic, non-appealable, no plea bargain death sentence carried out in 10 days of conviction, on public television.
That $#!& would stop right the F^@% now.
All of those who wish to take away my right to defend myself need to report for castration immediately.
You want to take my weapons because I might misuse them & in your opinion they serve no useful purpose in your society.
Well, you might rape someone, so let's chop 'em off, and your genes getting into the gene pool certainly serve no useful purpose in my society.
I could go on for hours, but you get my drift.
Rant off.
And now I await banishment, because I am arguing on the wrong side of the status quo around here.