Bought a 2020 bx2380 new a month ago. Read online a great deal about hydraulic pressure specs and how to check with a gauge and shim for more pressure to get a little more lift out of FEL. Bought the Bxpanded kit (gauge and shims) expecting factory settings to be very conservative as so many people have reported. Heated up the tractor tonight to check factory settings on the pressure before taking off the pressure relief valve to shim for more oomph. Was extremely surprised to find the factory settings at 2350psi. Checked all four valves and got same reading. Specs recommend between 1790psi and 1850psi. Do I have a bad gauge or is my hydraulic system pressure set by the factory incorrect? Do not want to blow pumps, hoses or seals, but it seems odd that the factory would make a mistake with this. Would appreciate your wise advice.