You actually don't need a 'broker' ,YOU can fill in the paperwork yourself. Has to be easier now that the Internet is here. In a nutshell, you figure out what 'commodity number' the item is ( say 'farm machinery,attaches to tractor, 3' wide ). The commodity number determines what the tarriff rate will be(guv cut). at the same time , pretty sure you'll have to pay GST (13% for me...). Odds are good you can do ALL this online. Once paid for, Customs will release the package to you at their warehouse. You can probably name an 'agent' ( the shipper that will deliver the package to you), so he can get it. Also 'somewhere on the form' put in it's a 'one time ' purchase, otherwise they(guv( might want you to register as an imported of goods....
A friend who ran a hobbyshop for decades saved 1000s every few months being his own broker
google 'importing goods to canada fees CSBA ? or'something'. Once you get to 'customs ' webite the info will be there. They WILL store the item until all the 'paperwork' is done and paid for...used to be 90 days , I think.
Zero-Rated Farm Equipment