Thanks for the reply. It has AG tires and i believe they are loaded but unsure how much. I have a Backhoe attached to the rear so im guessing thats enough counterweight. As for the cutting blade i'll have to check that today and see.
BH as counterweight (assuming BH92) is just over 2,000 lbs. and plenty. If you have a steel or poly edge be careful setting the depth. I’m not thinking you want it below your skid shoes or it will stop you cold on even small pavement heaves - better have seatbelt on.
If you let us know what kind of surface you’re trying to plow lots of others have experience with gravel, stone etc. I only plow paved surfaces except for where I plow part of my yard for our pugs. The rubber edge needs to squeegee a little so I can get to bare pavement first pass as it’s worthless on packed snow.
Your 2500 pusher weighs about the same as mine. Weights shown are without back drag. My bare weight is 555# I figure my back drag of solid steel has to weigh at least 150#. IF you have a back drag on that model it doesn’t go full height.
Ag tires may be part of your problem. If you can chain them it would help. Others will concur “float” is not really at its best in forward movement so you’ll have to go in and out with it.
Let us know after you try a couple different things. The Grand L is a great tractor!