I really couldnt stand the garlic taste so I used gloves. One reason I never used it on my poor old busted up body was that DMSO is a very good carrier for other things. Things that are maybe not so good for you, poisons, are one of those things, say for some reason you were spraying weeds and you would up with some weed killer on yoru hands ,, thats not a real bad thing because the skin protects you. Now the DMSO, rub it on your hand and on your ankle, it will carry those posin's through the skin to the inside, not a good thing. My Vet and I had several long talks bout the good and bad. SO when I understood about the bad I figured it wasnt worth it. Yes it works, and works well I know a few that have used it in the past and swear by it. I figured if it was good for my Arabs fine.