well 'RTFM' wasn't very helpful last week when I needed to remove fueltank from by BX23s...
From the WSM...'remove knobs' , refers to the knobs on all the levers and such poking through the 'fender' tin....
OK.. most are straight forward..simply yank firmly and off they come..EXCEPT the PTO height 'locking' lever( the one,on right side,front of the 'fender). It's a hard plastic knob(others are 'firm rubbery stuff') so I figure it'll just twist off( threaded inside ?) .NOPE, turn enough times and the whole damn knob,shaft,clip and snapring all come out.
Until you order and get ALL those parts and replace them.. you can't really run your tractor. So.. I bodge the stuff as I never use the 3PH. This week I get all the parts BUT I have to,yup, remove the WHOLE ROPS,my LEDS, dang HEAVY seat assembly, couple of brackets,'remove knobs', and fender, again just to repair the busted PTO lever...And the 'assembly is the reverse' proceedure as well.....
Pretty sure I'll wait until Spring, maybe Summer as I'll install the fuel filter/shutoff at the same time.
Good news is the busted knob (grip,K25613610) was only $5 out the door......