Did you ever find a beter seat for your Bx23s....I have the same problem...the ride Is terrible
No sir, i didnt. At this time, i have no plans to do anything different with it. It is what it is.
Though i do agree, the BX seats are not great at all, but it`ll have to do, for me. I`m not about to spend hundreds of dollars trying to find the magic comfort on my sub-compact tractor. I`m not on the tractor every day, so i`m ok with what came on the tractor vs trying to make it better. Do i like the seat? Nope, not at all! But to just throw money at it that i can`t afford to do, just doesn`t make good sense to me.
The BX23s has a special seat as i said earlier (due to it being a swivel seat for the backhoe option), so that makes it even harder to replace it on the BX23s tractors and still have it work like the original seat that was designed for it. I`m sure there are some kind of seat`s out there that would likely be better, but at what cost and modification do we go to get there.
If i were making a living with this tractor, i would likely find a way to change the seat. I dont know, maybe BX owners could take their seat to a upholstery shop and have the foam changed to make it softer? At least you wouldn`t lose the main frame of the seat anyway if you only changed the interior foam to soften it. I have no other ideas other than that.
In the winter time, that is when these seats are their worst, in my own opinion. Due to the extreme cold, they are very stiff. Hate it, yes, but i wear extra clothing in the winter when i`m plowing/removing snow, so that helps a little with the butt comfort, lol.
Hopefully, KUBOTA CORP is listening! Best of luck to you Dinosaur