Rear Snow Blowers used with Cab Tractors



B7610, KX-018, RTV-500, JD X758
Feb 21, 2019
I've been using my 5 foot Meteor blower on my B7610 for many years. I almost bought a B2650 this summer but I do not want R4 tires. After looking around some more, everything was sold. I just spent 3 hours yesterday and 2 hours today driving backwards clearing our driveway and 1/2 mile private road. 28" of snow here in upstate NY.
I am wondering what users that have cab tractors and 3 PT snow blowers think of long time use? I always look over my right shoulder to keep my foot on the HST pedal and grab the ROPS with my right hand.
With the really cold weather & 76 year old arthritic bones, I can hardly get off the tractor after two hours.
How is in a cab tractor with the new treddle pedal feel after being turned around for a few hours?

bird dogger

Well-known member
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Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
I have over 20 yrs on my 3 point snow blower and never have a sore neck with sometimes long days in the tractor when I help multiple neighbors. I mounted a long outside truck mirror horizontally up front and above my head in the cab and can drive backwards looking forwards at the mirror like nobody's business. Steering is as natural as can be while looking at the mirror. I'll find a link to my more recent cab build for the B2650 that shows my mirror.

Here it is: Kubota B2650 Cab Fabrication | OrangeTractorTalks - Everything Kubota Post #18 shows the mirror mounting


Active member
May 29, 2017
No where Special
I've been using my 5 foot Meteor blower on my B7610 for many years. I almost bought a B2650 this summer but I do not want R4 tires. After looking around some more, everything was sold. I just spent 3 hours yesterday and 2 hours today driving backwards clearing our driveway and 1/2 mile private road. 28" of snow here in upstate NY.
I am wondering what users that have cab tractors and 3 PT snow blowers think of long time use? I always look over my right shoulder to keep my foot on the HST pedal and grab the ROPS with my right hand.
With the really cold weather & 76 year old arthritic bones, I can hardly get off the tractor after two hours.
How is in a cab tractor with the new treddle pedal feel after being turned around for a few hours?
I can relate, because i`m old too...... upstate NY here too! My wife an i plowed for 4.0hrs yesterday. Luckily, we only got 12 inches of snow, but we have a very long driveway with a few turns in it. Then add in our parking area, the garage area, it takes awhile to clean out the snow. Alot of stopping and turning. I can barely move today.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Just my 2 cents for the love of me I cant understand why anyone that had a tractor that will take a front mounted snow blower would hang a 3pt of of it. The cost isnt that much diferent, and like I said on a tractor that will take one on the front. But then maybe Im missing something ya got a cab for comfort hang the darn thing on the front end


Well-known member

Oct 21, 2017
It used to take me about 3 hours to clear 3 driveways. Got a bigger cabbed HST tractor and a wider blower and now I get it done in about 40 minutes. I can clear snow wearing my jammies and I'm toasty warm and neck/back issues are not a big problem any more. I don't hate clearing snow anymore and no more dressing up in arctic wear and no more eating snow.

Life's too short, why be miserable?


Well-known member

B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
Just my 2 cents for the love of me I cant understand why anyone that had a tractor that will take a front mounted snow blower would hang a 3pt of of it. The cost isnt that much diferent, and like I said on a tractor that will take one on the front. But then maybe Im missing something ya got a cab for comfort hang the darn thing on the front end
The front mount blower for my tractor was roughly twice the price of an equivalent 3ph mounted. The 3ph one is constructed of much heavier steel. The front mounted one transmits a lot more vibration (I suspect because of the high-speed mid PTO drive). The front mounted blower makes the tractor much less responsive to steering input, especially in deep snow, where it acts like a rudder.

The 3ph blower allows retention of the FEL. Of course, a front mount is compatible with a rear blade, so that may be a wash -- some situations lend themselves more to a blade than a bucket.

So there are many reasons why one might prefer a 3ph version. Weighed against one really huge and indisputable plus in favour of the front mount: facing forwards.

I have both. But I generally use the 3ph one. Didn't use the front mount at all last year. Yes, after a few hours in the saddle I'm a little stiff, especially at the start of the season. By the end of the season I guess I'm used to it or loosened up or something because it doesn't bother me as much. I may feel differently as I get older!


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
OK well all I have to go off is what we have here, the price is about the same, the weight is about the same, and the vibration you speak of, well I dont understand unless there is a bad yoke or bent drive line, seems the ones I have used inthe past were smooth with out much vibration, so I dont know. The 3pt were just as smooth but maybe it is I just don't like being turned around. To each his/her own I say, if it fits you then good on ya and stay safe :)
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Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
OK well all I have to go on is what we have here, the price is about the same, the weight is about the same, and the vibration you speak of, well I dont understand unless there is a bad yoke or bent drive line, seems the ones I have used in the past were smooth with out much vibration, so I dont know. The 3pt were just as smooth but maybe it is I just don't like being turned around. To each his/her own I say, if it fits you then good on ya and stay safe :)



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Just my 2 cents for the love of me I cant understand why anyone that had a tractor that will take a front mounted snow blower would hang a 3pt of of it. The cost isnt that much diferent, and like I said on a tractor that will take one on the front. But then maybe Im missing something ya got a cab for comfort hang the darn thing on the front end
Probably because I have a power angle snowplow on the front and the blower on the back.....

Of course I have 3 observation cams looking back, one left, one right one down the center so I don't ever have to look 'over my shoulder' and get a stiff neck. Never do that.


New member

L3560 with loader, BH92, LP post hole auger, LP box scraper, Front PTO snow blow
Apr 16, 2020
Plainfield, NH
i have the front end SB and pair it with Rear Blade. I have a 1/4 mile drive, mostly hard pack with some blacktop once near the house. Glad I did front due to length of the driveway. It does act like a rudder and one needs to be careful. I keep the skid plates down so blower does not pick up stones and use back blade to clean off last inches to the side. I have to reverse (change sides) the skid plates each time as they tend to wear quickly due to the hard pack. The only thing about front end is that you have to install/remove the four point chassis each season, not hard, just takes a bit of time. Photo is just the other day with just under 3’ of snow on first pass. Once we get a good first snow, we get a good ice pack in the hard pack and the snow blower and blade combo works better. The snow blower did a really good job in throwing the snow


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B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
To each his/her own I say, if it fits you then good on ya and stay safe :)
Agreed. Different people have different priorities. It would be a pretty boring world if one size fit all.
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bird dogger

Well-known member
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Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
When purchasing my 3 pt blower in the early 90’s for my JD750 the recommended front mount blower seemed to be made of light weight stamped steel and for light snow that wasn’t too deep. Plus, it was at least 25% more expensive. That front mount blower wouldn’t have made it too many years before it was all bent or broken up with some of our hard packed wind driven snow here. The Lorenz blower I bought has double augers with paddles instead of the spiral cutters and will slice and dice the hardest of snow pack…..even behind that 17 PTO HP JD. I’ve rescued neighbors with it when their higher HP tractors with their front end blowers couldn’t blow themselves out of their garage when the snow had swirled in and become packed so hard they needed a spade to clear along their overhead door to open it.

Another true story: I used to rent out half my steel building to a trucker who used it for a shop and to keep/work on his semi tractors and flat bed trailers in when they were back in town. After a windy week long storm my renter asked if I could come to his aid. While his truck was in my shed, one of his trailers was parked at the truck stop in town and snowed in. Every snow contractor was busy and wouldn’t even guess when they could help. That snowpack was almost hard as a rock. The truck stop had a large payloader cleaning the main area but wouldn’t go between the trailers that were less than 10 feet apart.

We pulled up to his trailer and were sizing up the situation when the trucker next to him walked up and the first words out of his mouth were something like, “What the bleeepety, bleep, bleep, heck do you think you’re going to accomplish with that bleepety, bleep, bleep, small toy?” My renter said, “I guess we’ll find out.” The loud mouth walked away.

I cut through that hard pack snow layer by layer and with the bucket scooped out under and in front of the trailer wheels and stand. Less than an hour later we were ready to leave and the smart mouth came running up, “Hey buddy, can you help me too?” I told him I was too busy elsewhere and sorry, I wasn’t his buddy! That stopped him in his tracks for a few seconds. Then he pulled out his big wallet and took out a few $100 bills and said in a most polite voice something like, “I can’t believe what you can do with your nice rig. I really need to get back on the road. If you would help, I’d sure appreciate it and offer you this”. Less than an hour later he was hooked up and gone, but not before thanking me again. After he left, my renter was laughing. He had told “Mr. Loud Mouth” my comment that if he hadn’t lipped off to me, he could have had all that help for just fueling up my tractor. Instead, I found three $100 bills in my pocket. There is no way the optional front mount blower for that JD750 could have done the same thing. Plus, the bucket would have been missing.

Regarding price difference: Did I mention that over the years this blower has been on three different tractors (different brands, different HP) with no modifications to anything. It’s been on my JD750, an MF220, and now sits behind the Kubota B2650. I doubt that can be said of most model specific front mount blowers. That alone has saved $1000s. Other than faded paint it still functions as new. Built like a Sherman tank, there are no dents, dings to be seen,

If the driveways were fairly straight the odds would be pretty even as to which blower type would complete the job first. Operating with the mirror becomes second nature very quickly if your visibility out the back window is good. And using a snow pusher blade on the front loader for light snows really speeds things up and makes piling the snow easy. Especially if you have a large area to clean and would have to turn the snow over a few times with your blower to clear outward from buildings as I had to.

The rear snowblower is also nice ballast when you’re swapping between the bucket, pusher blade or grapple while performing other duties! If the 3 pt blower was a pain to use behind the first tractor it certainly wouldn’t have been behind the 2nd tractor and now the Kubota. The mirror is an integral partner with that blower! About the only times I don't rely on the mirror and do turn around are at the end of the driveway to check for traffic, and if I'm on the first pass next to the big shed.

Saying that just because you have the capabilities to run a front mount blower negates any thoughts of considering a rear mount blower is pretty short sighted. It would be like saying because you live next to an airport you must fly to your destination. When in fact you might drive, take a train, ride a bus, take a boat, hire a truck, or what ever suits your present needs.

It’s doubtful at my age another new tractor will be in the future. But if there is, my mirror and 3 pt blower will be on and behind it. Yet another couple of $1000 saved. In my situation the small amount of time I might save (if any) during a day of snow blowing is far outweighed by the other benefits mentioned above and by the others posting. Everybody’s needs are very seldom the same. Best to consider all your needs and see which benefits outweigh the others before you purchase. :)
Rear View Mirror and Lorenz Blower.JPG
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Well-known member

L4740-3 Cab, FEL, Fnt Snow Blower L2185, LP Finish Mower, LP Rotary Mower
Mar 3, 2017
Bird Dogger.

I had a JD 750 also with manual trans and it was always a bit tricky using the rear snow blower and having to depress the clutch to change gears (PTO also stopped). But it was a beast and in some ways sorry I ever sold it. I believe front implements were driven off the front of the engine using a belt and electrical clutch arrangement. Didn't look to robust of a setup.

bird dogger

Well-known member
Vendor Member

Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
Bird Dogger.

I had a JD 750 also with manual trans and it was always a bit tricky using the rear snow blower and having to depress the clutch to change gears (PTO also stopped). But it was a beast and in some ways sorry I ever sold it. I believe front implements were driven off the front of the engine using a belt and electrical clutch arrangement. Didn't look to robust of a setup.
200mph, you are correct on all accounts! :) I think the PTO was driven by what they call and "over running clutch". I still have mine with over 4000 hrs on it, but the front driveshaft has issues and I need to source some parts for it (John Deere no longer supports it) or I may just remove it and use it as a 2 wheel drive. Great little tractor. And not so little really as it's physically the same size as my B2650. The No.7 backhoe on it is also virtually identical to the BH77 (just slightly smaller). The only feature I didn't like about it was that in Low Range it was terribly slow for the rear snow blower and in high range the reverse speed was a little too fast. But low range was still much better than a walk behind blower!1

The front PTO is driven by an electric clutch and was used for both the mid mount mower and front mount blower. It works fine for the mower but like you, I couldn't see it being strong enough to take on heavy duty snow blowing chores.

I need to get it operational again. It's a shame to have it just sitting there with loader, backhoe and mower not useable.
JD750 vs KubotaB2650.jpg JD750_KubotaB2650 Rear View.jpg JD750_KubotaB2650 Side View.jpg
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Well-known member

L4740-3 Cab, FEL, Fnt Snow Blower L2185, LP Finish Mower, LP Rotary Mower
Mar 3, 2017
I also had the same backhoe. It also had power steering which I understand was fairly rare at the time. The axles and build seem to be more robust than modern tractors.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I am 76 years old, and have a L5740 with cab and 3 point blower. I also have a FEL on tractor. No problem looking back.
That is a lot of blower for that tractor's available power. Probably ok for fluffy snow, but heavy wet snow or drifts?


Well-known member

B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
I am 76 years old, and have a L5740 with cab and 3 point blower. I also have a FEL on tractor. No problem looking back.
Come on, tell the truth: after 76 years you just grew that way, right? <lol>
