B2601 Power Steering Not Working Correctly?


Active member

LX2610 w/LA535, QH15, PL1242
Mar 31, 2018
I just wrote a big long rant about my dealers call from yesterday and I was very unhappy but I've decided to remove it all for now as there was a newer development. Today the Kubota regional rep called me, listened to my concerns, and is now going to try to help push me into a resolution that I think we would both be happy about. If this happens I'd gain a lot of respect back for kubota and can say with strong confidence the issue would be fully resolved. I will post more information when I hear back from Kubota.... for now I don't want to jinx anything or make too many assumptions about what the outcome will be this early.

For educational purposes I'm going to leave my attached image to this post showing the mud that I drove through where I first found he problem. My tires wouldn't turn left or right in this mud at all and it was part of what ended up ensuring I got myself stuck. My loader is lifted as I was getting close to a deck post, because I couldnt manouver around very well it limited my options for getting myself out of the situation.


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Active member

LX2610 w/LA535, QH15, PL1242
Mar 31, 2018
Day 57, or 8 weeks and 1 day, from the day my tractor was picked up by the dealer.... still no resolution and no replacement. Got a call from Regional Kubota rep yesterday and he wants to go out again to the dealer that has my tractor and "check it out again". He already visited my tractor two weeks ago and said he could not find anything wrong with it. It was at that point the dealer told me that the regional reps suggestion was to add more rear ballast... my tractor was having issues turning at a standstill with the bucket empty!

My patience was gone around day 30... now I'm to the point of becoming absolutely furious. The dealer and kubota rep push parts of the blame back on each other whenever I start complaining to one of them on the phone, I'm to the point where I'm losing faith that any outcome of this will be acceptable to me. The days are getting shorter, colder, and deer season is approaching and the amount of inconvenience and cost (renting or borrowing other equipment) that I have incurred because of the loss of my tractor during this time is adding up to a point where I really dont know if they can make it right in my book. How am I supposed to finish all of my projects in time? Do I skip hunting season because these guys cant do their jobs? I'm about done... :mad:


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
There are better dealers in Michigan, I wonder if you contacted Kubota Corp you could arrange to take it somewhere else? Since it is under warranty should be possible.


Active member

LX2610 w/LA535, QH15, PL1242
Mar 31, 2018
There are better dealers in Michigan, I wonder if you contacted Kubota Corp you could arrange to take it somewhere else? Since it is under warranty should be possible.
Unfortunately warranty ran out about 2-3 weeks after they had picked up the tractor and so I don’t think I could get it transferred to another dealer. I will take this into account next time I choose a dealer to service my equipment though for sure!


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Justin, all your hard feelings, rental cost, payments with no machine and a returned tractor still not meeting your desires will not be improved by your energy blasting Kubota.

I'd suggest finding another dealer in your area with a good reputation in the service dept. and initially contact them letting them know the problem with the loader and ask for their feedback. After they respond, you can let them what has been replaced with no change in the problem. Keep a non accusatory attitude and someone will help.

Dealers have various levels of experienced techs. When you find a problem solver tech and not a parts replacer you'll get the problem fixed.


New member

Oct 9, 2020
I have a B2601 warranty just ending in October. Steering was fine until recently. Now with wheels straight, turf tires on 3/4" loose gravel so no ground resistance, no weight on front, mark the steering wheel at 12 o'clock and make 6 left u turns 180 degrees at 1750 - 2000 rpm and with wheels straight steering wheel mark is now at 6 o'clock position. Repeat 8 right u turns and mark has not moved back. Wheel has not been turned to maximum extent and tractor was moving at all times. Dealer replaced orbit motor and seal kit in steering cylinder. No better. Now says they just do this. Tested a new unit in dealer inventory. Worked fine. Ideas?


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Seems to be the norm these days...............
for a lot of reasons. Not so much the tech's lack of knowledge, but also manufacturer's tech support issues and the dealer's unwillingness to provide the proper special tools

Trust me....I have been through them all.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
I don't have your tractor in front of me so I can't say for sure what's going on

but what I do know is that you have a little B series. B's are glorified lawn mowers that happen to have a loader and a 3ph (among other things). A real tractor does not have a long frame running between the front and rear end, the transmission is the frame on a real tractor.

there exists a possibility that you are asking the steering system to do more than it was designed to do. I.E., sitting still in a mud hole with a bucket full of, whatever, and trying to turn it. It's entirely possible that the wheels are so stuck that the power steering system is going into relief because the wheels simply can't turn. IOW the tractor is not really designed for that type usage, IMO. To "help", keep the front tires fully inflated to the max pressure, and have some sort of rear ballast. Additionally, think back....way back...when you had a vehicle that did not have power assisted steering. Remember? They were easy to drive as long as you were rolling....but in a parking lot, sitting still, you ain't turning it. Well you can but you will gain muscle strength if you do it often. 2 of mine do not have power assist steering at all so I am well aware. If you could move the tractor forward or rearward, I bet it would steer easier.

Now then, if you don't think that's an issue, ask dealer to do a flow test and pressure test on the power steering circuit. If flow and pressure are within specification, and the cylinder is not leaking internally, there is nothing else that can be done. Kubota (and any other manufacturer) doesn't fix problems that don't exist.

I have seen the 3ph feedback being out of adjustment cause issues with the power steering as well, although not commonly. Once in 30 years that I can remember, and it was on a different (larger/real) tractor.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Careful now Lugbolt. Every time I compare my big tractors to the small ones, I get chastised for it... :D

.........." but what I do know is that you have a little B series. B's are glorified lawn mowers that happen to have a loader and a 3ph (among other things). A real tractor does not have a long frame running between the front and rear end, the transmission is the frame on a real tractor. "..........

I will say that neither of my M9's steer well when immobile with full loader buckets either. Could be the R1's, could be the weight it could be my imagination too. My steering wheel never returns to the same place twice, fact of life with hydrostatic steering I guess.



2016 B2601
Nov 26, 2014
Sutton, MA
My 2601 has probably been over loaded a few times with weight in the bucket, or on the forks picking stuff out of the truck. The steering will become "tougher" when loaded up, but it has never failed to steer. I've had the bucket loaded to where I thought the bead might pop on the tire honestly and it still steered. Something definitely seems to be up with your tractor if it wont turn the wheels standing still unloaded.


Staff member

Kubota tech..BX2370, RCK60, B7100HST, RTV900 w plow, Ford 1100 FWA
Nov 20, 2011
Kansas City, KS
I have a B2601 warranty just ending in October. Steering was fine until recently. Now with wheels straight, turf tires on 3/4" loose gravel so no ground resistance, no weight on front, mark the steering wheel at 12 o'clock and make 6 left u turns 180 degrees at 1750 - 2000 rpm and with wheels straight steering wheel mark is now at 6 o'clock position. Repeat 8 right u turns and mark has not moved back. Wheel has not been turned to maximum extent and tractor was moving at all times. Dealer replaced orbit motor and seal kit in steering cylinder. No better. Now says they just do this. Tested a new unit in dealer inventory. Worked fine. Ideas?
Any tractor with hydrostatic steering does that as there is no mechanical link between the draglink and steering wheel. The mark you put on the steering wheel will only occasionally be at the 12 O Clock position.


New member

Oct 9, 2020
I would agree that this type of steering can drift at the wheel. My MF TLB does it a bit but it is really old. My concern is that it started after 20 months and got worse fast and that it is so unbalanced. It goes counterclockwise 360 degrees repeatedly and yet barely moves clockwise to straighten itself out. Makes me wonder if something in the steering/orbit motor is not balanced. Moves slower or binds in one direction. I'm hoping I don't end up with a tractor like Justinb60 that won't turn. Also I never got a copy of the warranty work order / invoice. Dealer told me they don't provide one. That the work just goes on Kubota web site. That sound right? Vehicle warranty work always needs a signature and copy.


Staff member

Kubota tech..BX2370, RCK60, B7100HST, RTV900 w plow, Ford 1100 FWA
Nov 20, 2011
Kansas City, KS
I would agree that this type of steering can drift at the wheel. My MF TLB does it a bit but it is really old. My concern is that it started after 20 months and got worse fast and that it is so unbalanced. It goes counterclockwise 360 degrees repeatedly and yet barely moves clockwise to straighten itself out. Makes me wonder if something in the steering/orbit motor is not balanced. Moves slower or binds in one direction. I'm hoping I don't end up with a tractor like Justinb60 that won't turn. You can remove the hoses from the steering cylinder and cap the ends of the hoses. This will isolate the steering valve from the cylinder. If the steering acts the same as before, the problem is in the valve.
With the engine running, try turning the wheel with moderate pressure to the left and then to the right. Compare the results.

Also I never got a copy of the warranty work order / invoice. Dealer told me they don't provide one. The dealer should provide a copy upon request.

That the work just goes on Kubota web site. That sound right? The warranty request is entered onto the Kubota web site, but the dealer still has to have a work order.

Vehicle warranty work always needs a signature and copy. Kubota's warranty does not require a customer signature. A copy of the warranty request should be available to the customer upon request.
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Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
yeah always good practice to get the r/o signed regardless of wty or customer pay, that way if it's not warranty there's a signed r/o that allows the shop to operate/do anything to it.

then give a copy to the customer when they pick the machine up. Always!! People need to keep records, and have documentation if they use the equipment for farm or business use and as a former service manager you never really knew if they were business or farm sometimes

sometimes the job seems like it will be 100% warranty up front; and when tech digs in, they find something that is simply NOT a defect. it happens. If a shop has never had that happen, they're not much of a shop.

secondly that document if signed is a legal document so if something happens and the owner says "I didn't authorize you to work on it"--and there is a signed work order saying differently, that's legal documentation. Important! Been down that road a few times and a signed r/o is VERY important if/when it goes to a courtroom. The R/O being signed means that the argument is null. Most of the time u don't even go to court if u have a signed r/o

one thing i seen recently was that the r/o had a place for signature but what were you signing for? Nothing on the r/o just a line with an x beside it. Legally, all you are doing is providing a signature but you don't know what for. Shops need to be careful with that

lastly, a BIG issue the place I used to work for had was shop warranty. Apparently everything had a lifetime warranty because the boss would ask the techs to replace a part for free year(s) after it was done before, no questions asked. That is ridiculous because some of the equipment was commercial equipment that had their hourmeters disconnected to stay within the warranty period and we all knew it. We'd hook them back up and document it if we seen it. So if a shop carries a 30 day warranty what does it cover? If there is nothing in writing, then it is wide open. The shop needs to protect itself as well as their customers. I have had a couple instances where the shop (and tech) had to pay for ENGINES because a repair was made to the engine previously, in one case 1 1/2 years prior and it was an oil leak, and then the engine failed (and in the one case, for a completely different reason--overheating), of course the consumer being savvy knew that there was nothing stating the shop warranty specifics and took FULL advantage. Company had to eat a $5900 engine and the tech had to put it in for free. That's not good business; that's being self-duped by the business' own stupidity it does not have to be that way!!

when I took my truck in for some repair (body repair) I had so sign the r/o, basically it authorized for them to work on the vehicle and then authorized for them to operate the vehicle. There is more to it but that was the nuts & bolts of it. I had no problem with it. Then when I went back to pick it up a month later, I got a copy of the shop warranty and had to sign it as well. That was the final document to be taken care of. But....point it, that eliminates me putting a scratch on it and then taking it back over there expecting THEM to fix it for free.

i also used to work for a jet ski dealer at one point and i came up with a solution of "well it wasn't like that when I dropped it off".....a pre-inspection form. Fill out every scratch and ding in the gelcoat on the form, make customer sign it. Then make him sign another form when he picked it up. That was well before the popularity of cell phone cameras which make things easier now. You don't know how much money that saved the shop. Probably hundreds of thousands of dollars. Gelcoat repairs are expensive, take a while, and jet ski customers are a pain in the backside to deal with if things don't go their way. I don't miss working on them, not one bit! The only good thing that came out of jet skis was the ladies that would bring them in for service, wasn't uncommon to take them out to dinner and a jet ski ride. Fun but it was offset by the other idiots.

Times have changed for sure


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
Careful now Lugbolt. Every time I compare my big tractors to the small ones, I get chastised for it... :D
You own big Kubotas Flip, not big tractors. Actual big tractor owners chuckle. You need to get out more.
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