New Kubota in my future?

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I've kinda already speced out in my head my dream tractor, which I'll get right after I rob a bank or win the lotto. I want an affordable basic Kubota so I would choose the L3800 because it has a live pto, gear tranny and I'm probably the only one who is fine with 2 wheel drive. My dad has had an L275 2wd for 30 years, I grew up running it and its served him well in the landscaping business for years. Oddly enough not having power steering is really not a problem either. If we get in a tight spot we just learned to lift the front end off the ground, cut the wheel and go



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
I wouldnt worry about bending any sterring linkage , use your tractor just dont " ABUSE " it . I have operated tractors for 50 years + and the only time any thing has been torn up has been operator error.....Dan


Active member

BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
I've kinda already speced out in my head my dream tractor, which I'll get right after I rob a bank or win the lotto. I want an affordable basic Kubota so I would choose the L3800 because it has a live pto, gear tranny and I'm probably the only one who is fine with 2 wheel drive. My dad has had an L275 2wd for 30 years, I grew up running it and its served him well in the landscaping business for years. Oddly enough not having power steering is really not a problem either. If we get in a tight spot we just learned to lift the front end off the ground, cut the wheel and go
There are probably a lot of people for whom a 2WD works great or they wouldn't make them. We never had any problems running a 2WD tractor until we started working in the hills or using a FEL in wet or hilly conditions.

I got by without PS most of my life, but dislocated my thumbs and messed up my wrists a few times. Age has now made PS a necessity for me, but my dad used one without it all of his life.

I won't argue with bcbull378 on steering damage, just that 50+ years of driving a tractor has not made me infallible like some, so I opt for whatever protection I can get. If you know you will never make a mistake or a big limb won't kick up while working in the woods or someone won't find a hidden object in the tall grass etc.

I have a bent right step on one tractor now and have had them on others; seems I have even seen some damage on tractors used by skilled professionals.

Whether you need it or not, only you can tell, I only speak for myself.


New member

L3750DT Shuttle, L3800DT FEL both
Jan 11, 2012
Success Missouri
I've kinda already speced out in my head my dream tractor, which I'll get right after I rob a bank or win the lotto. I want an affordable basic Kubota so I would choose the L3800 because it has a live pto, gear tranny and I'm probably the only one who is fine with 2 wheel drive. My dad has had an L275 2wd for 30 years, I grew up running it and its served him well in the landscaping business for years. Oddly enough not having power steering is really not a problem either. If we get in a tight spot we just learned to lift the front end off the ground, cut the wheel and go
My first 3 tractors were 2wd, a small Power King, a L245, then a Case/David Brown 50ish HP w/FEL. All 3 worked great and had their good and bad issues. The Power King was just too small. The L245 was a good tractor that saw 2000+/- hours with a 5' bush hog and a box blade, but was a bit too light in the front end. The Case was a very heavy and strong tractor and did a bunch of work. Had over 3000 lbs in or hanging from the bucket many times. When the Case had engine trouble, we traded it on the old L3750. The 4wd on the 3750 has been very nice and the first of it's kind we've had. That said, I think the L3800 will be my favorite so far and the newest tractor I've ever owned. :D



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Seems like I hit a soft spot with TripleR , sorry operator error happens to the best of us.

Eric McCarthy

New member
Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Well I'm thinking in the terms of a financial investment as far as a tool to use in my business. It always boils down to getting more for less. And I have to definatly crawl before I can walk, which is why I have the B6100E as of now. Its what I could afford at the time of purchase and its suited my needs well. I have out grown it a little and would like to find a tractor in the 20-30 hp range with a FEL. But for the time being its just not in the cards fiancially so I have to make due with what I got.


Active member

BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
Seems like I hit a soft spot with TripleR , sorry operator error happens to the best of us.
Dan, sorry if I worded my response poorly, no offense intended.

Experience has taught me that anything that can go wrong will go wrong, so while I hope for the best, I prepare for the worst.

While row cropping, I never seemed to bend anything, but once I get into the woods or working on new ground etc., look out.

Like I said, what is important to me, may not be for someone else; hard to tell.

Again, my apologies. Larry
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GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Larry no offence taken , its just been my exsperence when I screw something up its been totally my fault weather Im working in the flat lands or Im working in the hillsides of the ranch. Have a good day all ...Dan