I took a gander at the 'Eraser' MSDS sheet online. I see it's basically a non selective Glyphosate derivative, IOW, generic., non Monsanto mix. The tank rates are listed in the PDF file that is online.
I would definitely clean and flush the tank, hose and pump with a solution of Dawn dishwash detergent and water followed by a clear water rinse until no sudsing is achieved.
Application rates will be the same as any 41% Glyphosate herbicide.
Hope you applied it on a calm day. Wind drift with any Glyphosate herbicide can be extremely detrimental to surrounding desirable foliage and trees.
The one thing I don't like about my boomless sprayer. The nozzle height is too high and the dispersal angle of the nozzles really isn't a good combination for herbicide / pesticide application. It's fine for a liquid fertilizer application or a foliar innoculant. Any wind and it's 'curtains' for surrounding plant life.
Myself, I use quite a bit of 2-4-D (B) to control invasive weeds in alfalfa and broomgrass hayfields but I apply it with a boom sprayer with the spray tips no higher than 15" above the ground to mitigate any drift.